Miscellaneous > Applications

New MPlayer!

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Ewww, that site *requires* shockwave. No problem, enabled it downloaded some videos and they played perfectly. But they are *.asf videos not QT *.mov files. I thought you wanted to test QT files?

Okay I'm just having bad computer days.

Okay it was offering me qt files yesterday but not today. Now it's all macromedia stuff.

Okay I think I'll let it lie and pick it up tonight. Something is wrong somewhere. I mean I downloaded two files and they have .mov extensions.

Okay and the site gives me problems asking that I upgrade the flash plugin - but they only support up to 5 on the Linux side of things (already asked them about this, no response yet), and yet you have no probs with it. I may be doing something silly. Will see when I get home tonight, if I have time.

Damn I am doing too many things at once.

I'm running Flash 6 on Linux so I didn't get a warning.      


My problem with *all* versions of flash is a page with bad flash can cause Mozilla to crash (the site you link is not one of them). I've been reading up on this and it is not clear if it is a problem with Mozilla or with Flash. The real problem is Mozilla needs to make it so if a plugin crashes, it doesn't crash Mozilla. It would be nice if you had a checkbox in the prefbar to enable disable flash. Instead I have to move the flash plugins out of /usr/lib/mozilla-1.2b and move them back in when I want to use flash. If you know of a better workaround (until they fix this damn thing) I would certainly like to know.

There is a standalone player for Linux on that same link above so normally I leave flash turned off and if there is an *.swf file that I want to view I play it in the standalone player (like the monkey one).

[ November 18, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

Doctor V:
And again, this time its a release candidate. http://www.mplayerhq.hu/homepage/

try using alsa for sound, the only annoying thing, is now moz doens't crash when i got xmms up, i hear the flash and xmms.
and mplayer. it should have been at 1.0 a long time ago. just a naming conventiion i guess?


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