Miscellaneous > Applications

The Open CD (open source for windows)

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You can use kde on windows with cygwin.

I did that for school and burned 15 CDs just out of good wil and gave them to the other students.
 From compilers to openoffce and bla bla bla. All were apps for windows.
 Trust me, if people are stupid, they will be stupid no matter is you take them by the hand.

 LAAAZY....humans are fucking LAAAAAAAAAAAAZY!!

[ December 18, 2002: Message edited by: bazoukas -Angry for no reason- ]

Well i have shown 2 friends Linux that use it now, 3 Mozilla and 2 OpenOffice, they all use it. And they made copys for people they know...  and so on!

"Moilla is fast"

"Why do Microsoft bother with Internet Explorer"

"Better then my pirate Office XP Pro"

"Gnome is sweet"

"Microsoft can take there heads out of there asses"


(The last one was me).

Show your friends the light today!

One of my mates who uses Linux is a total no-lifer, and he thinks the internet is a global network for porn, and uses Red-Hat 8.0 with no-problems. He also has 2 80gb hard disks both full of porn, he just brought a 300gb with his welfare and is happy. Sadly this person never does anything, but he sells lots of porn, lots and lots... and even more.



quote:Originally posted by flap:
You can use kde on windows with cygwin.
--- End quote ---



quote:Originally posted by BOB 11: Stallman Wannabe:
One of my mates who uses Linux is a total no-lifer, and he thinks the internet is a global network for porn, and uses Red-Hat 8.0 with no-problems.
--- End quote ---

Ehh.... you want to use this person to promote open source? There goes our social image...

Good work besides that.


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