Miscellaneous > Applications
I had forgotten how bad word was...
yesterday I was taking a history test(for whatever reason he makes us take our tests on computers running XP) and I was writing an essay and went back through and put the little cursor in the middle of a paragraph and started typing and it went over everything I had already put. after spending about a minute i was able to make it stop doing it but it wasted a piss load of time
That's why you have to make sure the "insert" isn't on.
Do I really have to provide the following address?
I'm proud to say I used this package to write my Chemistry undergrad thesis.......and plan on using it when I do my Honours.
What... because he doesn't know about the Insert button, or the OVR on the bottom display of MS office products, he should switch to Open Office?
[ September 20, 2003: Message edited by: Fett101 ]
insert eh, fuck I wish I'd known that instead of hitting return and doing all sorts of weird shit.
when did they put that it I don't remember this on word that i have on this comp but its the same one that i had on an old perofrma running OS7.5
but its a school computer and they won't put open office on it
[ September 20, 2003: Message edited by: The Stiller ]
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