Author Topic: Ridiculous problem, I admit, but still....  (Read 1352 times)


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Ridiculous problem, I admit, but still....
« on: 30 June 2003, 22:04 »
Dear friends,

as you all might be aware there is an ability to chat through your browser on the chatsites of MSN..
Now, I do like to chat on that site(s), albeit to simply rant, mostly.
So I was wondering; is there any way to get that thing working with linux, as I have recently bulldozed Windows off my harddrive....?
My best guess at this moment is: running Internet Exploder through Wine. But then I would still be using Bill Gates's piece of shit, instead of the wonderful pieces of equipment available in the OSS-community.

Now, before you all start calling me a fool (or worse...), I do admit that this is a ridiculous problem, but, then again, he who is free of sin, cast the first stone....

Bottom line; does anyone of us have any ideas as to how to solve this "issue"?
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Ridiculous problem, I admit, but still....
« Reply #1 on: 30 June 2003, 23:53 »
Having avoided MSN, I don't know how this chat thing works... however, if it is an ActiveX plugin that allows you to do this, you would have to use wine and MSIE.
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Ridiculous problem, I admit, but still....
« Reply #2 on: 1 July 2003, 00:33 »
Actually, when using MSIE it is, but as I have heard, ActiveX-support isn't all that in Wine...
"To punish me for my contempt for authority, fate made me an authority myself." -Albert Einstein.


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Ridiculous problem, I admit, but still....
« Reply #3 on: 1 July 2003, 01:00 »
Not sure if this will work, but do it as followed:

Start Windows.
Start Mozilla.
Download this.
Look into Mozilla's plugin directory, and check if the ActiveX plug-in is there.
Put the plug-in in the Mozilla in Linux directory.

Please tell us if this worked.

Anyway, why MSN chat? It's full of stupid channels with the name " INKAS PRAATHUISJE problemen van psychische aard kom langs.", inane breezah-meiden, etc. Try IRC (find the program XChat or X-Chat in Linux), it's compatible with every OS and there are better and more channels there.


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Ridiculous problem, I admit, but still....
« Reply #4 on: 24 July 2003, 15:09 »
I hate MSN and all networks by Microcrap/Hell's Gates so I avoid it like the plague. For curiousity purposes and for this inquiry, I just attempted to use msn chat via my test box. From this encounter, it seems as if MSN's chat networks are technically like IRC, thus meaning they use port 666x.
Also, I have discovered that they use some kind of silly identification system instead of ident.

LOL, I just somehow managed to access one of their chatrooms via telnet using port 6667. At first there was a blinking cursor and then nothing, so I started to type anything and pressed enter, this is what i get :TK2CHATCHATA07 421 * /help :Unknown command. I leave it idle for a while to determine which commands I can try, here is what I get PING :TK2CHATCHATA07, which means like I am technically within that chatroom but in the actual chatroom via IE browser I do not show up. Finally, after I let it sit for a while, ERROR :Closing Link: *[my ip addy] 011 <Ping timeout>, which means that I as the client failed to send a PONG and the server ping time limit ran out and kicked me off (basically I was idle). What does this mean, well I need more time... for now, I think I have something of interest here...must feed my curiousity.

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