Author Topic: Rescue messages from Outlook  (Read 1195 times)


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Rescue messages from Outlook
« on: 16 October 2004, 17:42 »
For everyone's brain exercise:
I have an interesting Outlook problem. For some time (not sure how long) my uncle has not been cleaning his email and kept a lot of messages... Anyway, let's cut it short - I reinstalled a system on his machine, and backed up Outlook on second Hard Drive, so once reinstalled I can import it all. Import did not work - it asked me to run InboxRepair Tool first. I did, and then opened Outlook again. It showed me 70 messages, althoughI know there were over 11,000. The .pst file is still over 1.3 GB so I'm sure the messages are in there, but just cannot access any? Can I read it into something else? I tried Outlook Express - same thing. What else can I do?


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Rescue messages from Outlook
« Reply #1 on: 16 October 2004, 20:53 »
This is not an MS forum. This is a Alternative OS forum. You're better off asking somwhere eles, like


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Rescue messages from Outlook
« Reply #2 on: 17 October 2004, 11:55 »
You have a few choices in this matter:

(1) Ctrl-Alt-Delete.
(2) Install an Outlook Mail Recovery Tool.
(3) Install Mozilla Thunderbird and import EVERYTHING.

I'd personally go with (3), since this is the primary reason why I dumped Outlook in the first place.  Everything seems to come through the transfer okay, but there's a distinct possibility that the older materielle is gone for good.  On the plus side, it should only take a couple hours to defrag your hard drive instead of a couple WEEKS (if you're still running Windows, DO THIS OFTEN or face the Eternal Load of Doom(TM)!)

Proudly posted from a Gentoo Linux system.

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