Miscellaneous > Applications

evidence eliminator

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To:The riddler

Your comments please as regard the above,is it all it's cracked up to be?
Thanks......................  :confused:

I'm glad you asked.

I don't think theRIDDLER is readily availible for comment here, though. You can find him on the HDC BBS if you look hard enough:

As for Evidence Eliminator, yes it is a very good program. Is it worth the $149.95? It depends on whether you really need it or not. After all, what exactly are you doing that will warrant the use of such software?

Enter, index.dat files: the reason I came back here to post. The announcement I'm about to make deserves its own thread, but what the hell.

SubVenge, the program I've been working on to permenantly erase the index.dat files is now complete. There are many (even so-called 'elite hackers'   :rolleyes:  ) who have said that such a feat is immpossible.

Well here you go:

It is interesting to also note that even a major "Privacy Software" company also says that this is immpossible. Guess who it is:


Oh ye of so little faith. Oh well, have fun people. I think you will find that keeping Internet Explorer with SubVenge installed has many benefits. Have phun with your new toy!

That is a gem of an idea! And you say this is the only program that does it? Well, my hat's off to you. Will you be bringing out a Mac version? And will yr program (i haven't used it yet) be able to accept cookies, but then delete them (all of them, mind! although i have faith in you, believe me!) everytime iexplorer quits? I expect it would need to delete them when iexplore starts up too, in case it crashed instead of quit, the previous session  :(
Well, that's ace, thanks a lot on behalf of everybody who will use this excellent looking utility (and that really should be everybody!)

Does SubVenge work for IE6?

Okay, i have downloaded subVenge, but not installed it yet. A couple of things first:
well, the crackice website says you must pay $5US for registration, and then when a version comes out for IE6, you get that too. So that answers that one.
As Jenny68 points out, the source code is not available for this program. Given that it's mostly paranoid freaks that will want to use this program, don't you think you should distribute the source too, Chakan? It looks like you are doing this whole thing from an altruistic standpoint, so get some people on yr side by making the source available too...
Now, it looks like the thing is not crippled, which makes me much more likely to pay the $5. If it were crippled, i might get pissed off and find a crack, but i like to prove people right when they trust in people's good faith. All my money is in


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