Yeah, just great... as long as you don't need to get any work done. At work I have to use M$Office. I do a lot of work in Excel, also in Access and Word. It's my job, and it'll be a long time before they ever convert this office to Linux. Anyway, yeaterday I was just doing some simple cut and pastes of data from some worksheets to be able to properly present some data. After rebooting Windows for about the 5th time in two hours, Excel suddenly decided not to open any of the .xls files in the directory I was working in. You could print the spreadsheets, see the data in "print preview," but none of the workbooks would open. Just a gray screen where the spreadsheets should have been.
I suppose there's good news though. IT was able to correct the problem by reinstalling Office. The student they sent down saw my desktop (with the Sick of Crashing.. dump Windows; Go Linux) and a telnet window open to my Linux box, and started telling me how many problems they were having in IT with WinXP and the Win2k servers. Then he told me that he was running WinME but was unhappy with that. He's now interested in instaling Linux on one of his computers.
If he does convert, he'll be the third student here that I've converted to Linux in the past month or so.
Windows is just so bad that when intelligent people are shown that alternatives exist, they can't wait to gt away from it.
Just thought I'd pass this along.