Author Topic: Visual Basic 2003 .NET Pricing Sucks  (Read 1336 times)


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Visual Basic 2003 .NET Pricing Sucks
« on: 8 October 2003, 07:35 »

If you want a decent version, you'll need to purchase the Visual Studio .NET bundle for 1000$ (although it could be selling as low as 600$ in some places, and we all know how cheap 600$ is) Please note that Visual Basic Professional Edition is no longer available. If you used VB6 Learning edition, that's essentially what VB .NET Standard is.

This is a great example of how Microsoft is screwing it's customers over. If they listen to us so much, why the hell would they bundle it with a bunch of crap we don't need.

All I wanted was VB .NET 2003 Professional, not C#, not J# and not Visual C++. I'm still using a product designed in 1997 (VB6). I'm not saying people should stop in the middle of a project (i'm in the middle of designing a game in DirectX), but when they're finnished, they need to stop using it, and start using C or C++ (note: it will complement your vb skills). Developing visual applications for linux isn't so horrible (burn a copy of knoppix, it comes with kdevelop), and it's not like people can't use MFC or the old API-based approach to design windows apps either. I'm not saying VB is bad, infact it has a lot of power that other people overlook (it's not just dragging buttons and textboxes if you want to create a decent piece of software, and if you think that you don't know what the hell your talking about).

However, I guess i'm getting what I deserve for using an IDE and compiler controlled by the Microsoft Corporation. If you are willing (or have) the money to pay for VB .NET 2003 and in the future, 2004 and 2005, then more power to you. I probably will cave and purchase this "standard edition", or better yet i'll just purchase Visual C++ 2003 standard :|

I'm actually kind of stuck and not sure what to do. I feel like i'm being left behind by using VB6.