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Readers Skeptical About Mozilla's Future
Zombie, this was your dumbest post ever.
You have had some good ones. You have had some stupid ones. This one takes the cake.
MS doesn't have web browser standards. It has a proprietary implementation. That's not a standard.
"Who's to say W3C standards are the right standards? "
That's ridiculous. You CREATE INDEPENDENT STANDARDS BOARDS to get right standards! You rely on companies to produce non-standards-compliant implementations to create proprietary lock-in.
"Saying that W3C defines internet standards is saying that the W3C group wants to monopolize the internet(like MS pretty much already has done). "
Are you aware how stupid that statement is? The W3C group doesn't monopolize ANYTHING. They set OPEN STANDARDS.
I can't believe you said stuff this stupid. I just lost a lot of respect for you.
quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
The IE users users who prefer IE over Mozilla say the same thing you are saying(only they are saying it about the other browser). I think it goes something like, "I don't give a fuck what he/she uses...I like IE because it is fast and it is %100 compatible with all of the normal websites that normal businesses/corporations, etc. put up.(websites not made by anti-MS nobodies)." MS standards may not be W3C compliant, but it doesn't seem to matter much. More people choose to use MS standards over W3C standards. Who's to say W3C standards are the right standards? Saying that W3C defines internet standards is saying that the W3C group wants to monopolize the internet(like MS pretty much already has done). 2 groups, 2 competing standards, 1 winner. The winner sure wasn't the W3C group.
BTW, the W3C group didn't bring the internet into nearly %90 of the households in America(and around %75-%80 of the housholds nationwide..even in poor countires). W3C didn't make internet affordable for everyone. MS made it happen, just like MS played a big role in making the x86 PC affordable. If I remember right, Netscape was the W3C compliant browser back in the day when the browser wars started. IE was given away(a browser should be free) while Netscape would charge as much as up to $50 for a CD with thier browser on it.
Who in the hell would pay money for a browser when there is a just as good if not better free alternative out there? Netscape then dropped thier price from $50 to $30 to $20 to $10. This is the whole reason why IE gained popularity so quick. By time Netscape started giving thier browser away for free IE already had the lionshare of the browser market on lock.
If it wasn't for MS the Internet may still be a luxury that only the rich and a few select businesses had. If that was the case we certainly wouldn't be in forums discussing stuff. Alot of us would be lucky to even have access to a stupid BBS system.
[ August 30, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
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Anybody have a clue they can lend to this guy?
I have been using and testing a lot of browsers
untill a week ago i used currently 5 browsers
-ie6 sp1 : only for spoofing, as there is nearly
no alternative exept mayby theRefspoof for Mozilla ,
see http://refspoof.mozdev.org/installation.html
-Myie2, a good tabbed browser and IEclone
-Greenbrowser ,idem
-Opera 6.06, i prefer this over Opera7.xx
-K_melion for the Mozilla clones this is really a small browser,has a loader,
I tried Mozilla,Firebird,Phoenix,Beonix,Netscape
They are all good,but large executables,
In my eyes K-Meleon is the only Mozillaclone that can compete IE,IE clones and Opera
The core is small, so a lot of neccessary tools can be developed, this should be done directly
into the core instead of doing it by scripts
Now I use pratically only Sleipnir, a tabbed IE clone developped by a single man, a Japanner
This is the Cadillac under the browsers,got all the features of IE,IEclones,Opera,Mozilla
(not the rendering machine as it is a IE clone)
The IE cache can be disabled, so no longer junk onto your disk,this is the fasted browser ever if
the diskcache is off
Want to restart your browser where You left it,Sleipnir has it,it is always available,Opera has
it when bumped out or when coched in the settings
Just killed a few windows,no problem, Tou get it back
All directories in the Favorites can be parametered:
with, without Java,Javascript,ActiveX,V Download,Images,Video,Sound
There are a lot of features not found elsewhere,
This is now my primary browser as I found a lot of features not found elsewhere
quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
Now here's the funny part: Despite all the people responding "who cares?" we received 1,163 responses to the Reader Question, more than triple the usual response rate. Apparently, you care a great deal about not caring about Mozilla.
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This statement right here says a lot. If they really didn't care, why would they be so vocal about it?
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