Miscellaneous > Applications

Office Alternatives?

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Hello everyone, I am relatively new here only a couple of posts and right now I am still using Windows still on my main pc. Many of my professors require us to turn in homework in .doc form (copy on disk or email attach.) so I still have Office on my computer but am searching for an alternative for personal use, email and such.

I am mainly interested in a Word alternative and email program. Any info would be appreciated.


OpenOffice.org is free, and is compatible with Microsoft Office.

Check the home page of this site. The list on the right will help.

And for E-mail, the mail client in the mozilla browser (a replacement for IE) is v.good.

I am using Mozilla now  :D , but I didn't really like the Netscape email utility and since this is based on Netscape (correct me if I am wrong) I didn't know how much better/worse it would be, but I will give it a shot. Thanks for the responses.


Was based on Netscrape, now Netscrape is based on Mozilla.


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