Miscellaneous > Applications

Office Alternatives?

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Actually MS Office is no different. You want a network installation you have to give the setup program special parameters.

[thread jacking]
anybody knows of a program that has WordPerfect 2000 import filters ?  cuz I remember a while back when I tried OpenOffice, it didn't support WordPerfect documents.  I didn't try it since then (which was 4-5 months ago), so I don't know if it's changed or not.
[/thread jacking]


quote:Originally posted by Calum:

it didn't up to 1.0, not sure about 1.0.1 but i bet it's the same. that, and the fact of needing to type "./install net" to install it is the only thing that gets it the thumbs down for me. Actually there's nothing wrong with any of that at all, but i think that those issues and how to resolve them need to be shouted from the rooftops a bit for linux newbies. in windows, you just doubleclick the .exe file, and there you go. how hard would it be to make a similar script that does the menu and adds the 'net' flag as well, for easy installation by newbies?
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Yes well calum, keep in mind that it is opensource we are talking about and you could do this whenever you wanted as long as you have the time and kill.

And voidmain... more the reason to do it... then it will be better then Microsoft in one more way.

well, if i had ANY coding skills, i might do that! but i don't so there. in the meantime, i will continue to be verbose about the requirements of things as i see them.
Your point about open source is a good one though, unlike with closed source programs, if a programmer who did have some coding skills saw my ranting and thought 'hey this guy's actually got a point!', then he or she could indeed implement that themselves.

re: wordperfect, does openoffice.org not do this? that surprises me, can anybody confirm or deny? i am at work, so i can't check now. Also, isn't there a version of wordperfect for linux? or am i making that up...

edit - click here for a revelation in word processing technology!

[ October 31, 2002: Message edited by: Calum-21.2 ]


quote:Originally posted by Ex Eleven / b0b:
Was based on Netscrape, now Netscrape is based on Mozilla.
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( lol ) heh  :D


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