Miscellaneous > Applications

i.e and neoplanet the same?

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I wonder if neoplanet is a sort of i.e,and keeping track where i surfed?or do i need a other browser,who is not secretly keeping things hidden or track my surfing?

nevermind. its just a stupid i.e. enhanced version.is opera a good one?

When I tried to install it it said that it needed Internet Explorer 4.01.

Netscape 6.2 is climbing back out of the abyss that was Netscape 6.0, so you might try that out.

Opera seems rock solid, but I'm too cheap to pay for a web browser.

Anyhow, I'm going to be getting my iBook soon, so I will be using OmniWeb (free, but only for Mac OS X).

Neoplanet, is just i.e with skins. Even automatically opened (by the scripts at the site you're visiting) are i.e windows.
At the early begining they said, they will launch a version that'll work with Netscape but they never did. I'm affraid, since they use IE in the background, even the history of IE is updated.
Mozilla is cool and opera as well. I also keep Netscape 4.x. The only site that I know is hotmail which you cannot open with any browser but IE.
(God how pitty they are.)


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