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Microsoft's Office 2003 Arrives

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quote: It's not just about a better tool for word processing, competitors will have to start dealing with other complexities Microsoft is putting into the Office system. They're trying to really expand the role Office plays.

 - Meta Group vice president, Steve Kleynhans.

 Aiming to up the stakes in the office software market, the Redmond, Washington-based software company called the release the most powerful iteration of Office to date and pitched it as an integrated system that is closely connected with Windows rather than a mere collection of separate applications.

 - Jay Lyman

--- End quote ---

Microsoft is offering a trial version of it on their web site (see http://www.microsoft.com/office/trial/default.mspx) that they clame is "free" but shipping and handling is $8.00.  :confused:  It "times out" thirty (30) days after it has been installed.

I do not know how everyone else views the latest installment of Microsoft's productivity suit, but I am not to exited about it. It sounds like Microsoft is (surprise) trying to make it more integrated into the Windows operation system. I think it might only be a matter of time before you cannot hardly use Windows without Office installed, like with Internet Explorer.

Your comments are welcome.

the only comment that is worth posting is:


The agreed thought about Office 2003 is that it doesn't have anything new that's useful.  Yet it requires more RAM, 2k/XP (no 98), and costs plenty (as have all versions).

Many (including me) think that Office 97 had enough in it.  Well, maybe 2000...maybe.  

P.S.  Not only OpenOffice, but AbiWord and Gnumeric, which come with GNOME, work very well for me.  

I saw microsoft office 2003 for sale at OfficeMax, i just stared in horror for a few seconds and backed away. I felt a sudden urge to use my Mac . . .

Microsoft Office 2003 looks like it's the "Kids edition". The problem is, that it's the only edition (if you know what I mean   :eek:  ).

Small screenshot.

[ December 22, 2003: Message edited by: Refalm ]


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