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Microsoft's Office 2003 Arrives

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Id click that screenshot if I was more careless about my eyesight.

I think the designers at Microsoft did a good job, it must have been quite a challenge to get more childlike then Windows XP, I mean seriously, they must be real fucking high on drugs.


quote:I think the designers at Microsoft did a good job, it must have been quite a challenge to get more childlike then Windows XP
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Nah they do a good job with it. Have you seen longhorn?

Oh, and can you please get rid of that pic in your signature? It makes the damn thing too huge.


quote:Originally posted by xeen:

Nah they do a good job with it. Have you seen longhorn?

Oh, and can you please get rid of that pic in your signature? It makes the damn thing too huge.
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Im not going to see longhorn unless Microsoft pay me a years pay. What Bill Gates earns a year.

Well...here's something that's sure to be a pain to look at. Here's a screencap of Office 2003 on Longhorn   :D  


quote:Originally posted by xeen:
Well...here's something that's sure to be a pain to look at. Here's a screencap of Office 2003 on Longhorn    :D  

[oh god]
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Oh god, im gonna go watch teletubbies...


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