Author Topic: Which looks better, IE or NETSCAPE  (Read 2683 times)


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Which looks better, IE or NETSCAPE
« Reply #15 on: 11 April 2002, 13:45 »
Originally posted by Ctrl Alt Del 123:
I use IE6 at home, IE5 at a Mac at school, and Netscape 6.2 at my mom's work. So far, IE6 is the most stable, IE5 on the mac looks the coolest, and Netscape, after taking some time to load, works ok.

But for those who call XP's new GUI teletubby, I think Netscape 6.2 is more teletubby than IE6. Netscape is all that ugly shade of blue, all the icons look the same and are huge, and the loading bar is constantly on the move.

I keep saying find the "Use Quick Launch"
Setting and Netscape will put itself on your system tray and, conseqently loads quicker that
IE, Try it


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Which looks better, IE or NETSCAPE
« Reply #16 on: 1 May 2002, 10:00 »
oh gee, that looks so cute when you tell me not to use IE when I wasn't!!  pah!


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Which looks better, IE or NETSCAPE
« Reply #17 on: 1 May 2002, 15:44 »
????? what are you talking about?

oho! i bet you clicked X11's link and tried to go to his website. And i bet you are using Opera, right? well, there's a little thing there, you see Opera seem to think somehow that IE should be the definitive browser for some stupid reason, so by default Opera is set to identify as IE.
This means, if you visit a web page using Opera, the web page thinks you are using IE and treats you accordingly.

Useless and pathetic on the part of Opera if you ask me. Most people don't even know about this feature so they leave it set to IE all the time. BUT you can easily go into Preferences and choose to identify yourself as Opera (you won't be able to visit hotmail due to Opera-blocking code on the MSN site) or 3 versions of mozilla (well, that's what it says, but it means netscape).

Set it to identify as opera and you can visit X11's site no problem. And while you're in the Preferences menu, might as well set the cookies and history to expire after the current session and be deleted upon exit too. It all helps...
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Ctrl Alt Del 123

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Which looks better, IE or NETSCAPE
« Reply #18 on: 3 May 2002, 07:48 »
I just go through a proxy to visit X11's web site in IE.

Gooseberry Clock

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Which looks better, IE or NETSCAPE
« Reply #19 on: 26 August 2002, 17:00 »
Originally posted by * Red Ranger Software * / Blob:
I thought Netscape WAS Mozilla.
Or was it Mosaic? I forget.


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Which looks better, IE or NETSCAPE
« Reply #20 on: 26 August 2002, 17:44 »
Mozilla = Good, clean, open source
Netscape = Closed source, Mozilla + AOL time warner crap
IE = Old NCSA mosaic + Microsoft crap
Contains scenes of mild peril.


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Which looks better, IE or NETSCAPE
« Reply #21 on: 28 August 2002, 15:27 »
ya i think mozilla is an escape from time-warner-aol

right on MOR

calum, i'd rather visit x11's site than hotmail any day (unless it is to see how many gigabytes the porn has added up to - they let spam through)

i think mozilla is neater than shit, and it has always worked for everything i tried it for (even ie-specific plugins)

rrs, you don't know what you are talking about

rosie, fuckin a for not using ie

and ie only loads faster because it is ALREADY LOADED (munching ram) wether you want it or not, and putting the quick launch in your winblows sstem tray is silly, because that memory should be used by a thousand incarnations of xbill instead.

everyone needs to use mozilla

also everyone needs to change thier windows shell to

[ August 28, 2002: Message edited by: sporkme / bob ]

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Which looks better, IE or NETSCAPE
« Reply #22 on: 29 August 2002, 01:13 »
well if somebody really wanted to quick start mozilla, then it gives you the option to do so in the install (and the config menus) when running in windows. I have openoffice and mozilla in the quicklaunch on the windows side. However realplayer and winamp putting themselves there with no option to remove them except editing the registry (which i successfully did) pisses me off a lot.
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Which looks better, IE or NETSCAPE
« Reply #23 on: 29 August 2002, 01:21 »
fucking click here to see what most of these morons have to say about mozilla sorry, guys, about the swearing but quite frankly it's displays like this that make me want to barf. the lack of thought, effort or even sense that some people display.........
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Which looks better, IE or NETSCAPE
« Reply #24 on: 29 August 2002, 08:22 »
Originally posted by Calum:
fucking click here to see what most of these morons have to say about mozilla sorry, guys, about the swearing but quite frankly it's displays like this that make me want to barf. the lack of thought, effort or even sense that some people display.........

I have to agree with some of the posters at that forum. There is nothing special about Mozilla, it is slower than IE, it is ugly, it has website incompatabilities, the back/forward mouse shortcut buttons on my MS Intellimouse Optical don't work and it is a resource hog.

There is no compelling reason to use Mozilla over IE unless you are just out to make a statement like *haha, I'm not using a MS browser...I WANT A COOKIE!*.


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Which looks better, IE or NETSCAPE
« Reply #25 on: 29 August 2002, 12:14 »
Originally posted by Zombie9920:

I have to agree with some of the posters at that forum. There is nothing special about Mozilla, it is slower than IE, it is ugly, it has website incompatabilities, the back/forward mouse shortcut buttons on my MS Intellimouse Optical don't work and it is a resource hog.

There is no compelling reason to use Mozilla over IE unless you are just out to make a statement like *haha, I'm not using a MS browser...I WANT A COOKIE!*.

Mozilla is faster than Internet Explorer, I have tried on stupid people to prove and here is a quote
"Mozilla is heaps faster than IE" and
"I've never seen a page load so fast on dialup"

Your either mistaking Netscape with Mozilla, your on crack, or your using 0.1 or just making it up too spite us. And mozilla has better cookie filtering then IE dickhead, and can block them entirely. Also i have packet logs of Internet Explorer showing statistics.

So stop posting lies!

Gooseberry Cock

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Which looks better, IE or NETSCAPE
« Reply #26 on: 21 September 2002, 16:16 »
I thought all browsers were just based on IE, which was open source until the Linux community took it to court.


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Which looks better, IE or NETSCAPE
« Reply #27 on: 21 September 2002, 19:36 »
Where the fuck does this fuckware kid get his information from?

If Mozilla, or any other open source browser don't work with those fucking annoying plugins, then it's because microsoft made a deal with those companies, like fucking macromedia (no linux shockwave plugin)

fuck fuck fuck you fucking fuck!
*meow!* I didn't say Linux was easier, I said it was better, Dumbass!


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Which looks better, IE or NETSCAPE
« Reply #28 on: 21 September 2002, 19:44 »
I have to agree with some of the posters at that forum. There is nothing special about Mozilla, it is slower than IE, it is ugly, it has website incompatabilities, the back/forward mouse shortcut buttons on my MS Intellimouse Optical don't work and it is a resource hog.

There is no compelling reason to use Mozilla over IE unless you are just out to make a statement like *haha, I'm not using a MS browser...I WANT A COOKIE!*.  

I don't know what version of Mozilla you're using WindowsZombie, but I used Mozilla 1.1 on my XP machine (before I switched to linux) and with quickstart it started just as fast as IE, loaded webpages faster, blocked popups, and only had trouble on a couple of sights with crippled MS frontpage html code.  I showed Moz to all my friends and they were so impressed they all ditched IE in favor of it.  Ha!
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Which looks better, IE or NETSCAPE
« Reply #29 on: 21 September 2002, 21:09 »
Mozilla starts faster than IE on win98. It  works a lot better too. A lot of fucking pages i tried in IE say 'error in page' because IE doenst know what real HTML is.

[ September 21, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]

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