Miscellaneous > Applications
Mozilla is for geeks someone said..
It's true that only geeks use Mozilla but isn't it also true that most geeks don't get viruses or trojans or stupid active-x spying on them?
I've been fooled before. One time I got a joke virus, I discovered it when I had heard some harddrive activity when I wasn't using the computer. The virus had infected a couple hundred of my zip files. No trouble removing the virus, but it took some time to recover all those zips.
Hmmm, I see that most of you are recommending the latest stable release, Mozilla 1.4. Be a pal and support the project! I am using the latest nightly build, which i download fresh about once a week. Damn, even the nightly test builds are more stable than IE. In the 4 months that I have been running Mozilla, it has crashed only once, and Yahoo! IM was the culprit. Mozilla rules.
I am using moz1.5a right now. great browser. mozilla kicks ass. Even biased magazines like PC Magazine highly suggest mozilla over IE. If i can find the article i will scan it, and post it.
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