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Netscape 7

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From mozilla.org's front page
Netscape 7.01 Released
Netscape Communications has launched Netscape 7.01, the latest version of Netscape's browser software, which is based on Mozilla 1.0.2. Mozilla users should read the release notes before installing Netscape 7.01.
--- End quote ---

So Netscape falls behind some more...

Doctor V:
Actually I think Mozilla users should not read the release notes, and just forget Netscape alltogether.  Yes, Netscape is dead.  Completely dead now.  Mozilla removes any reason to use it completely.  Anyone using Netscape is ignorant.

Yeah mozilla is so much better, but sheep need name recognition.  If the words "netscape 7.x" get someone to stop using MSIE then "viva la netscape, viva viva!"

Netscape is closed source.
Has a slow development cycle
Is part of the AOL TW empire
And they are about to stop developing it

Why would anyone use it in the light of mozilla?

netscape sucks. getting people to use it instead of IE, when they could be using mozilla is like getting people to switch from windows XP to windows 3.11 when they could be using linux.

[ December 12, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]


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