"i want i want i want", you should think yrself lucky i'm even making the effort.
http://www.free-ebooks.net/ebook_pub.html is a site that does not have that particular book any longer, but it does specialise in making that
sort of ebook available to download. And i gather it used to have that book.
http://www.promoteyourebook.com/ is also by the same author, maybe you're interested in that...
http://www.tka.co.uk/magic/web-site-selling/how-to-sell-your-knowledge.htm i can't figure out this site, but it looks like you might get chapters of the book emailed to you, or maybe the site itself is part of the book, i don't know, it's odd when you are looking for the distribution of an ebook that is about distributing ebooks...
hope that helps, maybe you want to try searching using a popular file sharer like WinMX or morpheus if you want it as a neat pdf or .zip file.
Don't say i'm not good to you.
[ May 10, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]