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I din know were to post this
I din know where to post this so dun hurt me if its in the wrong category, but im graduating from high school soon and im getting a fresh new comp for graduation, thing is i dun want a Microsoft (excuse me ...Microsuck] OS's on it. So i wanted to know which OS's you would recommend. i know there is a big list on the site, and 3 category blocks on this forum for mac and linux and stuff, but i need to know which is the best NON- miscrosoft OS's that u can suggest that is compatible with most computer games. Again i apologize if this is in the wrong forums, dont bite me head off, and if u do save me my trachea..i need that.
quote:Originally posted by EvilPies:
which is the best NON- miscrosoft OS's that u can suggest that is compatible with most computer games.
--- End quote ---
There isn't one, unfortunately. Both MacOS and Linux have some game support, more so for Mac, but it isn't comprehensive.
so you would suggest mac?
definately get a Mac. You will be glad if you do.
it just works.
no libglx1.4-4r6.so.2 to hunt down for a game to run.
linux really isn't ready for prime-time quite yet.
if you want to run linux, go ahead, I can help you out with any problems you might encounter
[ April 06, 2004: Message edited by: Sauron: GenSTEP Fanboy ]
why are you leaving windows?
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