Miscellaneous > Applications

I din know were to post this

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Lucas game Outlaws kicks ass!

so..linux then?  :confused:


quote:Originally posted by EvilPies:
so..linux then?   :confused:  
--- End quote ---

You should try it. I recommend Mandrake again, because they have a kernel that's actually stable, and they didn't modify it to suck  :rolleyes:


ok linux then.


my moms putting together a spec list for my computer but says i need to have a windows os on my system (for miscrosoft powerpoint and stuff) but i dont want it on there. but she insists i should have it for my school work. isnt there a program that allows u you use Linux and powerpoint ? or a program just like powerpoint for linx, that can run on comptuer with windows?

*im not really comptuer smart so i dun know*


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