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I din know were to post this

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quote:Originally posted by The Stiller:
why are you leaving windows?
--- End quote ---

Spyware, bugs, holes, Internet Explorer, instability, BSOD's, lack of features, etc.

[ April 06, 2004: Message edited by: Refalm ]

I agree with Sauron. Get a Mac, you won't regret it.  That's what I'm going to do as well.

My suggest would be.. get linux, and you will forget all games. When i had windoze installed, i played games much, but then i got linuxoze installed in second comp (shitty with integrated video) I allways choose this box to use. Its fun to use much console, cool network tools, and more stuff.  Now i use windoze only for document writing with word, lol my Amd1600+ with geforce 5600


Cube, Duke Nukem 3D, Doom II, Quake III Arena, Enemy Territory, UT, UT 2003, UT 2004, MOHAA.

Enough cool games to play on Linux  :cool:

why am i leaving windows?
not many reasons, 1) there is that privacy thing with the logs and stuff, then there is that peice of crap Internet Explorer. i hate that thing. i installed it like 6 months ago...crap is still on my computer  grrrr.

other than that i want the best for my comptuer and i know windows wont be that.

All those games that can be played on Linux i already had/have and dnt like them.

I still dont understand what makes one better than the other thats why i asked for your opinon but its hard to tell so i might have to do some research


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