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Hotmail Pop and Smtp Server Names?!

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Howdy, In my switch to get away from Microsoft's shit, I downlaoded Mozilla the other day, but I am still using Hotmail since ive had it for years and dont really want to switch, because it would be hard to get lots of people the new addy, but i cant find the pop or smtp addy for the mozilla mail prog, could someone help me out? Id appreciate it!

Welcome, Phate.

Just open Mozilla Mail, and right click in the inbox section on the left (the white space), and select 'properties'. You should have access to your account settings.

Hope this helps.    

[ October 02, 2003: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]


quote:Phate: Howdy, In my switch to get away from Microsoft's shit, I downlaoded Mozilla the other day, but I am still using Hotmail since ive had it for years and dont really want to switch, because it would be hard to get lots of people the new addy, but i cant find the pop or smtp addy for the mozilla mail prog, could someone help me out? Id appreciate it!
--- End quote ---

I never knew Hotmail has POP3, and to my knowledge, they don't.

Hmm, When I Right-Clicked on the Inbox on the left upper white box type deal, A properties window came up. It has a tab named General Info, but i know where to switch regular settings. If hotmail doesnt use POP3, what else do they use? (not sarcasm, i really like to learn stuff ) Either way, I just need the server address for mozilla mail.

You seriously should switch. I wouldn't know hotmails server adreeses, but you should seriously switch.


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