Miscellaneous > Applications
Internet Explorer Spoofing?
I read a couple threads where people mentioned that they were running Mozilla in "IE" mode or at least making websites/servers believe that it is IE. How do you set this up? I am at school and they do not allow Java script and a site I wanted to visit has some java enabled on it, just wanted to be able to see it is all thatnks
You need the Mozilla preferences toolbar for this. Go here and download it. ;)
Thanks for the fast response, could barely refresh the page hehe
Doctor V:
I never knew about this. Sounds good. Might have to install it while *gasp* running mozilla as root.
V 0.8.7
It is pretty slick. All of the options that it changes can be changed manually in the "prefs.js" though. But it's nice having it all on a configurable little toolbar.
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