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HELP!!! with windows messenger

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Well everytime I click on my inbox from messenger or try log in from http://www.hotmail.com I get page cannot be displayed. When I click on the inboc bit above my contacts I notice it trys to load a page from C:\WINDOWS\TEMP but I dont have that page....could that be the problem? and if so how do I fix it. I'm lookin for any ideas from anyone! Please help cos ma fuckin email is pilin up...lol thanks

Anti Ms:
easy fix.


what's windows messenger?

alright, alright, well you haven't even said what software you are using to try and get into yr hotmail.

If you use anything other than a browser that claims to be internet exploder or aol drekscape, then you will have problems. solution, get netscape (bleaurgh!) or Opera (which pretends to be internet exploder by default) and use that to access the internet. oh yes, use internet explorer instead if you want, but don't come running to me...

That temp file is not the problem. Hotmail/iexplore saves a copy of the page there and opens it up from yr hard drive, rather than the actual site i think... do you have enough memory to fit some stuff in there?
i might suggest deleting your C:/WINDOWS/TEMP folder altogether. it will be recreated immediately you run a program but you will free up a lot of disk space.

also, you don't say how long this has been going on, it is possible that the server with yr email on it is being serviced today (although you usually get a facetious "fuck off, come back later" type message from MSN when this happens).

also, make sure you have cookies fully enabled by going into file->preferences, edit->preferences or tools->internet options (it's dependant on the OS, browser and version where the internet control panel actually is) and checking it out under the cookies section.
Sure, accepting cookies makes you totally vulnerable to computer hacking and bank fraud, but Microsoft won't let you into their site unless you turn cookies on i'm afraid!

okay, good luck, any more problems, come back, and maybe be a bit more specific next time!  ;)

Well I checked my cookies and there enabled , I deleted the folder and I cant load hotmail.com cos page cant be displayed ....this is the problem for my brother account to , so im guessin this is my problem instead of hotmails (for once). Im thinkin of installin windows again (millenium edition) dont laugh everybody its all I have. Anymore ideas people before I go installin windows again?..thanks again

so what browser are you using?
this won't actually help me much but it will make a difference. As i said, you get that message when you try to look at hotmail with Opera, even though it's totally capable of viewing the site.
If you are using IE, try reinstalling it from some cover CD off a magazine. (it doesn't have to be the latest version, 4 or upwards should be fine) if you want a really clean install, go and search for IEradicator, it is a program that cleanly uninstalls IExplore, and you can then install a new copy of IExplore and avoid some pitfalls you might have had just by up/downgrading it. You may notice there's no way to uninstall iexplore from windows...
So this way you only reinstall your browsert, not yr whole OS. still, if you haven't reinstalled winME for a while, you probably need to. it gets more fucked with every un/reinstall you do. (i know i have a dual boot winME/RedHat7.0 system)
or you could just uninstall Iexplore, and install a different browser instead, there's plenty around, i recommend Opera or Mozilla though. Unless you have them on a free cover CD already though, you won't want to be arsed downloading them...
good luck on the old browser reinstall!


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