Author Topic: Exporting from Mozilla  (Read 1299 times)


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Exporting from Mozilla
« on: 3 February 2003, 20:36 »
Im still dual booting (until I get the modem configured on my laptop & the server project is on hold for a bit)
But I dropped IE & OE as my web & mail clients, Im now using Mozilla 1.2.1 for web & mail on windoze (Which by the way is damn fast)
Anyway the plan was use Mozilla, import all my mail & bookmarks Etc to get used to it, then when my modem is configured for linux I would export everything from the win client to the Linux client,

smart plan, should work,,, except that in OE I know that my mail is stored in
C:\WINDOWS\Profiles\Name\Application Data\Identities\{XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX}\Microsoft\Outlook Express
so that if I want to back it up, as i do every 2 days I just copy that folder to another off system location

and that I can export my mail account settings directly from OE.

how would I go about the same thing with Mozilla? I cant see an export function anywhere and when Im browsing the directory i cant see a damn thing (Granted I dont know what the fuck Im looking for)

I cant believe how much more superior Mozilla is against the M$ forceware, once the modem is set then M$ is gone from my machine forever.
I dropped XP from my machine the other night in favour of the simplicity (and relative privacy) of w98 but its so damn unstable that I can hardly wait to get Linux working fully
Coming into the light from the dark side,
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, & its not that far away!