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IE on the Rise

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Netscape browsers have continued to lose market share at a steady clip, falling to a new low of 3.4 percent as of this week, according to new figures. A year ago, Netscape's market share stood at 13 percent, but fell steeply to 7 percent by March, as IE 6 gained popularity. IE has now reached 96 percent market penetration, according to StatMarket, up from 87 percent a year ago. Mozilla gained some market share when it finally reached a 1.0 release earlier this year, but browsers such as Mozilla and Opera still only accounted for less than 1 percent of the market, StatMarket said.

Read full story here

I'll also add my 2 cents. ;P

I am not at all surprised to see that Mozilla only has 1% of the market share and Netscape is losing share. I mean come'on. We all know that IE is the superior browser. Mozilla doesn't even work with extra mouse buttons.

Well, you may get the extra mouse button functionality in IE, but Mozilla doesn't crash your OS or infect your system with a virus the way IE can.  Mozilla is my default browser because once you give it an honest try, you realize how much IE sucks for the above reasons and more. BTW, Doesn't Opera have a feature that idenitifies it as IE? If so, IE doesn't have as big as a market as the story says.

I know lots of people who use Opera... it identifies itself as Internet Explorer in most add-free-to-your-website-stat-sites. This also included in the largest stat-site in the world, Nedstat. It even identifies Mozilla as Netscape 6.


quote: I am not at all surprised to see that Mozilla only has 1% of the market share and Netscape is losing share. I mean come'on. We all know that IE is the superior browser. Mozilla doesn't even work with extra mouse buttons.

--- End quote ---

Uhm yes it does IDIOT.  You just don't know how to use a computer.  The middle or extra button on a traditional 3-button mouse opens a new tab for browsing.  Asshole


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