Author Topic: IE on the Rise  (Read 2535 times)


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IE on the Rise
« Reply #15 on: 1 September 2002, 10:36 »
Since Linux only holds under 1% marketshare in the OS market...
More highly questionable statistics. Just how does one make such a determination? Unlike M$ soft, Linux either isn't sold by any corporation (Debian), and even if it is, you can get "corporate" distros like Mandrake or Red Hat via third-party outlets such as Linux Central or Edmunds Enterprises, not to mention being able to download ISOs from God-knows-how-many mirror sites all over the world. Since Linux doesn't have the restrictive EULAs that Macro$uck foists onto the buying public, you can buy one set of Linux CDs and install them onto as many systems as you please. The Mandrake CDs that came with the boxed set I bought have been installed onto several different systems. That's one sale for market share, but three different installs. To say that Linux has less than 1% of market share is meaningless.
IE isn't slow on a decent system. The only time I thought that IE was slow is when I was working on a 486 in the shop. Of course everything is slow on a 486. ;P IE can be slow on Pentium classics with 16MB or less ram. If you have a modern system IE is not slow at all, end of story.

I have a Micron Millenia Extreme (1.8GHz Pentium IV, 256MB RAM, 80GB HD) does this qualify as a "decent system"? I still have Win 95B tucked away on an itty-bitty 3.0GB partition. And it has IE 5.5. Of all the browsers I've used, IE takes longer to load a page than any of the others. Netscape 4.7, and Opera both load pages far faster than IE on Winderz. That's the real end of the story. That, and the constant BSODs, is why I don't use the damn thing. Unfortunately, IE is jammed into the OS so tightly, I had to reinstall it because I got so sick and tired of seeing all those idiot boxes informing me that such-and-such was broke and I needed to reinstall Winderz.   :mad:    Furthermore, if so many folks out there do use IE, it's because His Gatesness has seen to it that they don't have any choice in browsers,    :(   not because it's a better browser. If it truly were good, then His Gatesness wouldn't have to force it onto every user of Windows.     It could stand on its merits alone. Quality: whudda concept  :eek:  

Their fundamental design flaws are completely hidden by their superficial design flaws   ;)

[ September 01, 2002: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]

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IE on the Rise
« Reply #16 on: 13 September 2002, 19:39 »
I totally agree that Mozilla is a lot faster then IE.

But some of the pages i design just don't show up in Mozilla , iether the CSS problem or who knows what. Oh wait, I know , I am running Windoze. Just because this is my dad's machine.

Anyways, Mozilla is a lot better , but I still have to have a version of IE laying around ...

[ September 13, 2002: Message edited by: drew k ]


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IE on the Rise
« Reply #17 on: 13 September 2002, 19:48 »
My favourite:

-Mozilla (although it doesn't render some pages properly)

-Galeon (based on Mozilla but a lot faster)

-Konqueror (keeps getting better  ;)  )

and last but not least:

-Lynx (only for pure HTML pages but a great browser. Ultra fast and compact)

Sorry Zombie but IE is a lot slower than the aforementioned browsers even on a fast machine (decent as you said)  ;)


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IE on the Rise
« Reply #18 on: 14 September 2002, 02:05 »
enable pipelinging in mozilla, great spead increase. what does it do anyway.
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IE on the Rise
« Reply #19 on: 14 September 2002, 02:50 »

I have to comment on one of the earlier posts, as it is just plain wrong.

As of Mozilla 1.1, I have no problem using all of my mouse buttons (left, right, wheel, wheel button)

I don't see what the problem is - do your homework before you flame.

Everything is better on a mac.


[ September 13, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]


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IE on the Rise
« Reply #20 on: 14 September 2002, 12:37 »
Originally posted by dbl221:

Uhm yes it does IDIOT.  You just don't know how to use a computer.  The middle or extra button on a traditional 3-button mouse opens a new tab for browsing.  Asshole

Lmao right on! As for me I use them both on my 2k box. Occasionally there might be a page that mozilla doesnt display properly, but for the most part it performs smoother than ie. On my redhat machine I use mozilla primarily and konq- as my secondary. Right now I just wish that a flash 6 player would be released for mozilla...
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IE on the Rise
« Reply #21 on: 14 September 2002, 14:42 »
Originally posted by drew k:
But some of the pages i design just don't show up in Mozilla , iether the CSS problem or who knows what. ...
why? do you write shit html? if you need to use a wysiwyg to write html, then use mozilla composer. at least then you'll get html that's compatible with most browsers. if you are writing html that only works in IE then quite frankly, i hope never to see your sites.

Anyways, Mozilla is a lot better , but I still have to have a version of IE laying around ...

mozilla certainly is better however you give me no reason whatsoever that you need to keep IE around. It sounds like pure laziness to me.

oh yes, and welcome to the board!  :D
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IE on the Rise
« Reply #22 on: 14 September 2002, 15:38 »
choasforages: enable pipelinging in mozilla, great spead increase. what does it do anyway.

It says it's experimental... does anyone got this working good?


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IE on the Rise
« Reply #23 on: 14 September 2002, 19:06 »
Originally posted by Refalm:
It says it's experimental...

Hey, that give's me an idea.... [hopping over to the "What does 'XP' stand for" thread]  
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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IE on the Rise
« Reply #24 on: 15 September 2002, 06:24 »
Zombie did you hit your head really hard when you were little?
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IE on the Rise
« Reply #25 on: 15 September 2002, 08:04 »
Mozilla is slow and sluggish on my computer (keep on mind it runs smoothly on all the other systems I've used), so I use Opera.

I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but I find Mozilla bloated.


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IE on the Rise
« Reply #26 on: 15 September 2002, 10:30 »
How slow is your computer?  I have an old pentium 233 lying around and Moz runs fine on that..  It's certainly not any more bloated than IE.
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