Miscellaneous > Applications

IE on the Rise

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You forgot to mention the back and foward mouse shortcut buttons on 5 button mice(like my MS Intellimouse Optical or the 5 button Logitech mouse).

I got Mozilla configured using on my Kengsington trackball to use a four-button mouse. But that's due more to Kengsington's mouse-works software than anything else  :D

It is either the mouse software or maybe Mozilla is better on the Mac.

Doctor V:

quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
I'll also add my 2 cents. ;P

I am not at all surprised to see that Mozilla only has 1% of the market share and Netscape is losing share. I mean come'on. We all know that IE is the superior browser. Mozilla doesn't even work with extra mouse buttons.
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I mean come'on.  If It was'n for M$hit's Pigopolistic ways (illegal bundling), IE would have never taken off.  Nobody liked it before it was bundled, and that dirty tactic basically forced the undeniably superior Netscape out of the market.  I mean come'on.  IE is like a welcome mat for viruses (just like lookout express).  I mean come'on.  Mozilla actually IS faster, and looks a heckuva lot better.  Its more customizable too.  I mean come'on.  Mozilla dosn't keep track of every page you go to, and everything you do on the net, and then send it all to M$ so they can sell off your personal life.  I mean come'on.  You are a real fuck-tard.


I mean come'on.  :D


quote:We all know that IE is the superior browser
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I know no such thing. I've used it extensively in the past, back when I still ran Winders. Superior it ain't! IE is responsible for probably 99.9% of the BSODs, it's the slowest browser I've ever used, and it renders lousey-looking fonts even on IE-friendly sites.    
quote:StatMarket provides Web designers and Web software developers valuable market share data on browsers, operating systems, plug-ins and more. The service gathers information from millions of Internet users a day to more than 125,000 sites worldwide actively using WebSideStory?s HitBox


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