Miscellaneous > Applications
Messenger likes my comp
I've downloaded Trillian (excellent), uninstalled cheezy ICQ, I go to uninstall MSN in the control panel ADD/REMOVE.... hmm messenger isn't on the list to uninstall, I open up Norton Utitlies 2002, this should take care of anything (The file 'C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe' is protected and cannot be selected.) Now doesn't that beat all?
Am I doing something completely wrong here or does MSN just refuse to leave without a fight?
I'll leave the space below this post open for the smart people who know how get rid of this thing. hehe. :D
i chose when last reinstalling windows not to install messenger in the first place.
if it is installed i suggest you first uninstall IExplore using IEradicator
then go to the start menu and find/search for any files containing 'msn', 'messenger' or 'msnmsg'.
You will then need to excercise your discretion about which of those resultant files you want to delete. Basically you want to delete msnmsg.exe, any .gif, .jpg, or .log files, i did this last night and freed up 300 kb.
The same process is necessary to uninstall outlook express, unless you chose not to install it at last reinstall time...
good luck, i have not tried trillian yet, and i am ont sure if it will work on a system with no internet exploder.
stay tuned though, i will be trying out trillian on my windows system tonight, and will post the results tomorrow. ( i have a head start since i have no outlook, no msnmessenger and no iexploder on my windows side at all. )
also try this to delete msnmsg.exe if you can't do it in windows,
go to add/remove programs, then 'startup disk', and make an emergancy startup disk.
Then reboot, with the disk in your floppy drive, and you should be booted into dos.
c: <enter> to change to your C drive, then you can navigate around with the CD (change directory) command, and when you get to c:/progra~1/messen~1/msnmsg.exe or wherever it is, type:
deltree msnmsg.exe (or whatever it is called) and select 'y' when prompted, repeat for any other files that piss you off, then take the floppy out of the drive, and reboot into windows.
Master of Reality:
or you could download linux-Mandrake first, then go into DOS and type "format c:"
then startup your computer using a linux CD and install linux and be happy.
note:you actually dont have to format c: yourself, the linux install will do it for you. It just funner to delete all of windows yourself
yes, yes, yes, i support Microsoft windows mods ONLY as part of a Microsoft controlled diet, which MUST INCLUDE installing linux, at least as a dual boot setup.
Still, i appreciate the art of ripping so called "integrated" M$ programs untimely from the operating system's womb, so to speak...
Can trillian be run in linux?
basically i am asking for a nonM$ M$N client application running on linux, preferably open source. This is relevant isn't it? since this chap will then be able to format c: quite happily without losing any msn functionality...
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