i chose when last reinstalling windows not to install messenger in the first place.
if it is installed i suggest you first uninstall IExplore using
IEradicatorthen go to the start menu and find/search for any files containing 'msn', 'messenger' or 'msnmsg'.
You will then need to excercise your discretion about which of those resultant files you want to delete. Basically you want to delete msnmsg.exe, any .gif, .jpg, or .log files, i did this last night and freed up 300 kb.
The same process is necessary to uninstall outlook express, unless you chose not to install it at last reinstall time...
good luck, i have not tried trillian yet, and i am ont sure if it will work on a system with no internet exploder.
stay tuned though, i will be trying out trillian on my windows system tonight, and will post the results tomorrow. ( i have a head start since i have no outlook, no msnmessenger and no iexploder on my windows side at all. )