Miscellaneous > Applications


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MOR: Reboot your Linux systems or the NIMDA virus will kill them.

FINALLY managed to download it after days of trying. Doesn't seem too different to me.


quote:Originally posted by The Master of Reality / B0B:

it should really be in the microsoft forum considering the description says "a place to talk about IIS, Office," and its filled with thread about windows applications. Isnt it supposed to be more of a forum for microsoft programs like office, IIS, and other non-windows-integrated microsoft applications?
--- End quote ---

it was meant to be that a year ago. haven't you noticed that many people talk about non microsoft applications on here, and many people do not talk about microsoft applications? there is nothing stopping you talking about office and so on in this thread, just now you're allowed to talk about mozilla and other applications too.

[ December 06, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

Good point calum, i was thinking of suggesting this being moved.

Just downloaded Moz 1.2 RH8 RPMs.

Very nice, although the Orbit theme I have doesn't work in the new version.  Oh well.

edit: nevermind, I just downloaded the updated version for 1.2.

[ December 06, 2002: Message edited by: Linux User #5225982375 ]


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