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Whats new in it people anything 1.0.1 hasnt got?


quote:Originally posted by Refalm:
I'll stick with 1.1 until the new one is free of most of the bugs, and in 100% Dutch, like 1.1 is now    
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Nigel Powers loves you.  ;)


quote:Originally posted by X11 / BOB: 3xtr4 skr1pty:
Whats new in it people anything 1.0.1 hasnt got?
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1.0.1 sucks in so many ways compared to 1.1 and 1.2... for instance some animated GIF rendering is fucked up in 1.0.1 and certain web pages render badly with it that 1.2 has no trouble with.  1.2 also can detect your gnome theme and apply it to itself, which is cool.  1.2 has RH8 rpm's with XFT support which makes it look a lot better especially when you look at big text.

1 caused a few short lockups in the system when browsing, around 1 to 3 seconds sometimes.
using 1.1 now and haven't seen any of this happening yet.

Master of Reality:

quote:Originally posted by X11 / BOB: 3xtr4 skr1pty:
MOR: Reboot your Linux systems or the NIMDA virus will kill them.
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i upgraded my server, but i still have more uptime then you again!


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