Miscellaneous > Applications
Doctor V:
My first impression of Mozilla 1.21 is:
Stick with the beta.
I went to a simple ftp site, and all Mozilla did was bring up a black screen. Tried again in Konqueror, and it worked. I don't know whats going on with the Mozilla team, but if you have 1.2beta, maybe it would be best not to upgrade just yet.
Further investigation...it was an RPM I was downloading, right clicking the link and doing save target as worked. Probably another case of .rpm ambiguity (for those who don't know, the extension .rpm is used for Redhat Pacakge Manager files, and embedded Real Media files).
[ December 03, 2002: Message edited by: Chief Medical Officer V ]
Did you delete your old profile directories? Sometimes they change things and the old settings are not compatible with the new browser.
Doctor V:
Yeah, I deleted the old version.
lol ill stick with 1.0.1 i think
hehehe, if all moz 1.2.1 is is 1.2.0 with a bug fix, it kicks major ass. like my main computer doesn't crash/*i though it was an X window system problem, it was a redhacked browser*/ and the fonts are fucking awsome.. the defualt font is a bit wonky for the menus, but your in it for what the sites look like under it. just remember to install the xft version. trust me, its awsome, i can take screenshots if anybodys interested
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