Author Topic: how do i get rid of media player  (Read 3331 times)


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how do i get rid of media player
« on: 22 September 2002, 00:10 »
Hello everyone. First of all I love this site! unfortunately I am forced due to lack of knowledge and finances to use my windows pc. right now i have xp and i have windows media player telling me i can't play my wma files i got off kazza becasue they are corrupt and something about the license etc. so they are shot to hell. i want to get something else on my puter that i can play music files with. the less i have to do with microsoft the better. A friend put xp on my puter and i guess it is pirated so no upgrades for me which sucks now back to media player. there are no uninstall options for it anywhere! I tried to find uninstall but it doesnt seem to exist and yes i looked in hidden and system files. any advice on alternatives to windows media player and a way to get it off my machine would be great. also i cannot boot to dos either. only in safe mode. just another lovely windows drawback. thanks! you guys are too cool to be help us newbies and novices   :mad:


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how do i get rid of media player
« Reply #1 on: 22 September 2002, 00:18 »
First off, piracy is not the answer. You shoulden't steal M$ crap, you should just not use it.

Second off, your stuck. WMP is the way of the future for windoze and it's just gonna get worse from there. Palladium, TCPA, and DMCA are all gonna get stricter and tougher till Billy finnaly convinces everyone that they don't truely own their computers, their just paying for the privalege to use them.

My advice would be to stop using WMP and switch to an alternate MP3 player and the like. Don't use windows media files, they will suck now from now on due to this new copyright dictator ship M$ has going.

But of cource, the true answer is, take the plunge, switch to Linux and be happy. Or get a Mac and run OS X, which is soooooooo much better than wintel it's sick.

In any case, weather or not you find a work around. These new policies are gonna be bitting you in the ass for years to come as long as you use that crappy OS. For god sake's take a look at the EULA!

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how do i get rid of media player
« Reply #2 on: 22 September 2002, 00:21 »
[email protected] might be getting an email.
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how do i get rid of media player
« Reply #3 on: 22 September 2002, 00:34 »
in response to the piracy comment. when i say pirated. i am stating that an acquaintance put the new os on my computer. I had windows me and he had a disk to upgrade me to xp. where he got it from , i have no clue. i am assuming it is in fact pirated since i cannot get the xp sp1 update. if you feel compelled to email or call them be my guest. i can always reinstall the other hideous microsoft creation (windows ME)if necessary
also ,for the record. i am married for 14 years i have 4 kids and i voted for bush. I am not a threat to anyone and do my best to mind my business. i just wanted to know how to remove media player. nuff said?!


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how do i get rid of media player
« Reply #4 on: 22 September 2002, 00:39 »
yes, nuff said.

use winamp for your mp3s
try realplayer for .avi and .wma files, although you may not be able to get realplayer for free anymore.

tell me how these work for ya, and ask if helpis needed

peace out


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how do i get rid of media player
« Reply #5 on: 22 September 2002, 00:40 »
thank you and good night! it is 10 pm here in germany. damn i miss the usa i will let you know about winamp/ thanks!


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how do i get rid of media player
« Reply #6 on: 22 September 2002, 00:48 »
good night  


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how do i get rid of media player
« Reply #7 on: 22 September 2002, 00:53 »
Originally posted by yesidowindows:
Hello everyone. First of all I love this site! unfortunately I am forced due to lack of knowledge and finances to use my windows pc.
finances??? are you joking? linux is FREE! gods, i have heard this excuse dry! get linux or stop moaning about windows!  :D  
right now i have xp and i have windows media player telling me i can't play my wma files i got off kazza becasue they are corrupt and something about the license etc. so they are shot to hell.
so windows is fucked then? well how much worse could linux be?  
i want to get something else on my puter that i can play music files with.
Linux will do it, with xmms, and xine  
the less i have to do with microsoft the better.
Microsoft have yet to release a single byte of software for linux.  
A friend put xp on my puter and i guess it is pirated so no upgrades for me which sucks now back to media player.
some friend. now you're locked in to this piece of shit OS and you are too intimidated to get a real system...  
there are no uninstall options for it anywhere!
in true microsoft style.  
I tried to find uninstall but it doesnt seem to exist and yes i looked in hidden and system files.
you won't find it. it is designed to fuck your system if you forcibly uninstall it.  
any advice on alternatives to windows media player and a way to get it off my machine would be great. also i cannot boot to dos either. only in safe mode. just another lovely windows drawback.
you got it. sadly, the newer the version of windows you have, the less customisable features you will find.  
thanks! you guys are too cool to be help us newbies and novices    :mad:  
not true! how would we be cool, if we were too snobby to try and help people? besides, i know not very much, and i ask at least as many questions as give answers, and i think a lot of people are the same...

welcome to the boards, by the way...
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how do i get rid of media player
« Reply #8 on: 22 September 2002, 01:49 »

sorry if some of us got on to your case to strong. I  just that we try to keep these forums as warez free as possible, both for ethical and legal reasons.

So we discurage any sort of piracy and make, often empty threats  :D , but ya, welcome to the forums!


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how do i get rid of media player
« Reply #9 on: 22 September 2002, 02:22 »
We discourage "piracy" (to use your unfortunate propaganda term) to discourage the propagation of MS software, not because we have an ethical objection to harmlessly copying data.
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how do i get rid of media player
« Reply #10 on: 22 September 2002, 02:24 »
Originally posted by flap:
We discourage "piracy" (to use your unfortunate propaganda term) to discourage the propagation of MS software, not because we have an ethical objection to harmlessly copying data.

Hmmm... that's a good one. What's your take on "pirecy"?

Isn't unlawfull duplication of any pice of copyrighted data, at the very least a bit unethical?

Say, if I photocopied books and bound them and started giving out free copy's woulden't there be something wrong with that?

[ September 21, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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how do i get rid of media player
« Reply #11 on: 22 September 2002, 03:16 »
The term 'piracy' is designed to make you believe that sharing useful data, books, music etc. with other people is a crime. Despite the fact that we are witnessing with Linux and free software a revolution that is bettering human society based on this principle of sharing useful data, we're being told that this is morally equivalent to attacking + looting a ship.

Unfortunately the younger of us have grown up being taught that people like Bill Gates and the RIAA somehow have the right to take away our freedom to better our society. If a person writes a brilliant piece of software that will benefit society in some way, why should (s)he have the right to let it go to waste by preventing people from copying it?

To use a different (hypothetical) example of this wasteful kind restriction, imagine a world in which we have star trek-esque 'replicators' and can produce food and so on at will, at no cost. The companies that produce these would most likely impose some kind of restriction on the machines so that the produce from them can only be used by the licence holder for the machine. So when your neighbour comes to you and says "Hey, I need a spade, could you replicate one for me?" While this will cost neither you nor the company anything to produce it and help your neighbour out, you're bound by a licence that legally obliges you to say "Sorry no, I promised not to help you."

You're expected to believe that copyright holders have the right to do this because they're responsible for this work, so why shouldn't they be able to impose whatever restrictions they want? You have to remember that the reason why the copyright system exists is in order to benefit society; not the publishers/authors.

I think you printing out books and giving them to people who want them would be great. I also think it would be good if those people copied the books for others, and so on. Perhaps some of those people would send some money to the authors, to show their appreciation and encourage them to write more.
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how do i get rid of media player
« Reply #12 on: 22 September 2002, 03:23 »
Interesting ideas. But a bit idealistic don't you think?

Personaly, I like the idea behind books. 30 years after the auther dies the copyright drops and it can be freely copied and distributed. Perhapse such a rule could be imposed on software creators?

Will M$'s windows copyright ever run out?

Hmmm... perhapse that could be argued. Interesting point of discussion perhapse I'll post this topic over in the lounge or something  


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how do i get rid of media player
« Reply #13 on: 22 September 2002, 03:57 »
Interesting ideas. But a bit idealistic don't you think?

I think the practical benefits the world is enjoying thanks to free software speak for themselves.
"While envisaging the destruction of imperialism, it is necessary to identify its head, which is none other than the United States of America." - Ernesto Che Guevara


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how do i get rid of media player
« Reply #14 on: 22 September 2002, 18:21 »
Thanks for all the responses to my post. I am not extremely computer literate and am not at all educated enough to change my os.Everything i have learned i have learned by screwing up my puter! lol anyway  Linux sounds interesting though. where can i get more info??? Also whats you take on MACS?