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how do i get rid of media player

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quote:Originally posted by flap:
We discourage "piracy" (to use your unfortunate propaganda term) to discourage the propagation of MS software, not because we have an ethical objection to harmlessly copying data.
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Hmmm... that's a good one. What's your take on "pirecy"?

Isn't unlawfull duplication of any pice of copyrighted data, at the very least a bit unethical?

Say, if I photocopied books and bound them and started giving out free copy's woulden't there be something wrong with that?

[ September 21, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]

The term 'piracy' is designed to make you believe that sharing useful data, books, music etc. with other people is a crime. Despite the fact that we are witnessing with Linux and free software a revolution that is bettering human society based on this principle of sharing useful data, we're being told that this is morally equivalent to attacking + looting a ship.

Unfortunately the younger of us have grown up being taught that people like Bill Gates and the RIAA somehow have the right to take away our freedom to better our society. If a person writes a brilliant piece of software that will benefit society in some way, why should (s)he have the right to let it go to waste by preventing people from copying it?

To use a different (hypothetical) example of this wasteful kind restriction, imagine a world in which we have star trek-esque 'replicators' and can produce food and so on at will, at no cost. The companies that produce these would most likely impose some kind of restriction on the machines so that the produce from them can only be used by the licence holder for the machine. So when your neighbour comes to you and says "Hey, I need a spade, could you replicate one for me?" While this will cost neither you nor the company anything to produce it and help your neighbour out, you're bound by a licence that legally obliges you to say "Sorry no, I promised not to help you."

You're expected to believe that copyright holders have the right to do this because they're responsible for this work, so why shouldn't they be able to impose whatever restrictions they want? You have to remember that the reason why the copyright system exists is in order to benefit society; not the publishers/authors.

I think you printing out books and giving them to people who want them would be great. I also think it would be good if those people copied the books for others, and so on. Perhaps some of those people would send some money to the authors, to show their appreciation and encourage them to write more.

Interesting ideas. But a bit idealistic don't you think?

Personaly, I like the idea behind books. 30 years after the auther dies the copyright drops and it can be freely copied and distributed. Perhapse such a rule could be imposed on software creators?

Will M$'s windows copyright ever run out?

Hmmm... perhapse that could be argued. Interesting point of discussion perhapse I'll post this topic over in the lounge or something  


quote:Interesting ideas. But a bit idealistic don't you think?
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I think the practical benefits the world is enjoying thanks to free software speak for themselves.

Thanks for all the responses to my post. I am not extremely computer literate and am not at all educated enough to change my os.Everything i have learned i have learned by screwing up my puter! lol anyway  Linux sounds interesting though. where can i get more info??? Also whats you take on MACS?


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