Miscellaneous > Applications

how do i get rid of media player

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no it is not free. It is illegal to own an mp3 encoder in most western countries unless you have paid a certain fee to the frauenhofer institute.

It's one of those laws nobody actually enforces. It was originally a proprietary format, but i think they opened the file format, in any case, LAME came out which is an open source clone of the real encoder, however it, as i say, is illegal to own in many countries. Whenever i need it i download it from a site that is hosted in brazil (it's legal in brazil, but illegal in the UK).

MP3 is closed source in the same way that staroffice is. There's an open source thing that does the same job, but the owners still try and make you pay. Actually openoffice is legal so there goes that analogy.

Germany? If you're in Germany, I know you can get a free copy of SuSe from someone there.  :D

I understand now, thanks pkd. I was confused because when I think of proprietary formats, I think of ones that can only be used on a certain system type. For instance the .wma can only be used in windows by windows media player. Just a misunderstanding on my part.

how can i find out if my puter supports linux????


quote:Originally posted by yesidowindows:
how can i find out if my puter supports linux????
--- End quote ---

Go to the homepage on the disto you plan to install and check out the specs there. Each distro is diffrent. For the most part, Linux will run on just about anything.

Mandrake auto-detect's hardware, which is cool. But that's the only other distro I have tried.


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