Miscellaneous > Applications
Unable to install legitimate copy of MS Office
I thought the whole point of looking for an alternative was because you couldn't install Office97 because you didn't have an appropriate upgrade candidate? Am I missing something? If you aren't cramped for space why remove it? I would keep it as a backup in case you find something you can't do with OpenOffice, at least until you are fully comfortable with it.
VoidMan, I wasn't the one who started this thread. I just happened to be following it and decided try out OpenOffice.org since it was so highly reccomended. And (big surprise) I liked it better than the Microsoft alternative and was simply wondering if there was a reason I should have Word around. But you're right, since I'm not pressed for disk space, I might as well keep it.
[ February 19, 2002: Message edited by: Gonusto ]
Oh, duh! Sorry about that.
It's all good.
I seem to have started quite an interesting topic.
To re-cap my situation. The version or Works on my old computer can only be installed by restoring the hard-drive to the state it was when I bought the computer. I have looked on the installation disk and cannot see where Works resides. At the time of purchase, this was a legitimate upgrade for Office 97.
That computer has become unstable - had numerous problems installing software and had to restore again. All it has on it now is the stuff it came with (including Works) and MS Office 97.
I would like to be able to put MS Office on my new computer but that has Works 6 and Word 2000, neither of which are recognized by MS Office 97.
Is there one (or more) files the installation is looking for and can it/they be copied across?
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