Author Topic: alarm clock  (Read 2214 times)


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alarm clock
« on: 3 September 2003, 18:07 »
does anyone know of an alarm clock utility (one that will play those annoying .wav files until you get your ass out of bed) for Redhat Linux 9?  I have one for windows, but I don't trust windows enough to wake me up in the I'd like to have Linux do it.  Maybe one that turns the computer on and then goes off??
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alarm clock
« Reply #1 on: 3 September 2003, 18:42 »
You want a program that switches your computer on? Is that a joke?
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alarm clock
« Reply #2 on: 3 September 2003, 19:25 »
you're going to have to leave the computer on, or devise some sort of hardware contrivance (like something to push the power button on yr computer, itself rigged up to a silent alarm) to switch the computer on before the alarm goes off, then have a script which runs the alarm sound at a particular time (using cron?) and plays the sound really loud at you and then in the script it could just repeat every minute or whatever and you could make it run shutdown -h now when it's finished at the end of the script.

unless you want to leave the computer on all night, just get an alarm clock with a nice loud bell.
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alarm clock
« Reply #3 on: 4 September 2003, 01:01 »
You want a program that switches your computer on? Is that a joke?

the desktop in my office is always on...and the laptop in my bedroom is set to wake on LAN.  Or if you put it in standby mode, a program can wake it up.  Either way, it's not consuming so much power or making noise.

re: get an alarm clock
I have 4.  none of them can get me up!(I should probably not get drunk every night)  but the computer worked this morning    I was awake after unsuccessfully trying to plug my USB mouse into the ethernet port! lol and then typing a password wrong twice, all while the most annoying sound I ever heard played...pissed me right off though.
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alarm clock
« Reply #4 on: 4 September 2003, 01:44 »
Unforgiven1, I do the same. I have insomnia, and I have trouble getting out of bed. So I have 4 alarm clocks going off at 7:45 AM (my cell phone beeps every 5 minutes from 7:45 AM), the radio (loud) and my light. And sometimes I sleep through that.


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alarm clock
« Reply #5 on: 4 September 2003, 02:48 »
Never turn your computer off!

What you  need is some servos, hooked up to a timer and a bucket of water over your bed. I guarantee you wouldn't make he mistake of sleeping in too much       :D    

I'm self employed and I sometimes go through a patch were I get up late, usually because I'm working late. It's funny, I always try and kidd myself that it's OK because I"ve worked late the night before      :rolleyes:    

The truth is that I'm always more productive when I follow a strict routine. It's distractions that make you tired.

Here's some "distractions" I found for you      :D    



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[ September 03, 2003: Message edited by: Zardoz ]

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alarm clock
« Reply #6 on: 4 September 2003, 04:02 »
You want a program that switches your computer on? Is that a joke?

You mean like my Macs can do?   :cool:
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alarm clock
« Reply #7 on: 4 September 2003, 05:40 »
What you need is some servos, hooked up to a timer and a bucket of water over your bed. I guarantee you wouldn't make he mistake of sleeping in too much  

I was thinking an IV of caffeine that started dripping at 6 in the morning..but that would work too.
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alarm clock
« Reply #8 on: 5 September 2003, 12:22 »

I downloaded it but Im having troubl with a lib

you try it, it says you can set it to run a program at a certain time an ogg or mp3 at 6:30 in the mron'n

web page


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alarm clock
« Reply #9 on: 5 September 2003, 16:11 »
Check your BIOS and read through all the options very carefully - my computer turns itself on at 10 AM every morning, and I'm going to rig it up with at or cron to play a random ogg from my music b folder (metal) as loud as it can.     (xxms -t to start up xmms, then it should just start playing from whatever playlist it was last on.)

It is possible, but it will be a bios thing (my motherboard is an asus TUSL2-M) or it will be a hardware thing.

Just had a thought: You could rig up an alarm clock to complete the circuit to your power button - friend of mine doesnt even have a case for his comp, so to turn it on you have to cross the right two wires.  By inserting those two wires into a convenional alarm clock and cutting them into the circuit for the alarm it should be possible to start your pc.  Of course if your alarm clock is off, so is your computer which means you dont want an alarm clock that turns off after a certain amount of time, and you dont want a battery powered alarm clock.  (cos when it dies so does your pc.)  It may (will) also be possible to include a switch to short the alarm clock connection so you can use your computer without the alarm being on.  
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alarm clock
« Reply #10 on: 5 September 2003, 19:33 »
Why not just run a Cron script at a certain time????

Leaner , lighter and you actually learn something all at the same time.

It's what CLOXTEN will be doing anyway.
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« Reply #11 on: 5 September 2003, 23:18 »
Cron wont turn your computer on so you either have to leave it on (thus keeping you awake all night) or wake up and turn on your computer to get woken up by the cron script alarm.  

I do agree it would be better than this cloxten though...
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alarm clock
« Reply #12 on: 12 September 2003, 12:31 »
Ok I got something working, it's really stupid, and you need to leave your computer on all the time, buyt hey it works.  It's probably over complicated but (shrug).   Basically you wake up to a realplay news brodcast (mine is the Canadian news version[CBC])

first download, or if you have it KAlarm (came with KDE3.1 don't know about prior versions of KDE)

set the time to when you want to get up.....duh  :D  

you should see the KAlarm icon in your quick launch bay in your KDE bar.

two open KControl goto

-sound and multimedia

--sytem notifications

---KDE System notifications

----Something special happened in the program (that is the title, not me talking)

at the bottom of the entire menu you will see a "more options" button click it

then choose execute program by "X"ing the box beside that feild

fill in the execute program field with mozilla, or what ever browser you want

open that browser, and goto

make this site your homepage, and configure your browser to open to hompage on startup

now open KAlarm choose the time you have set from the window that pops up, from the configuration window that pops up next choose the "TRY" button

and tadda you have your system set for you to wake up to Canadian news!!

So you need:


Realplayer for Linux
A browser with the realplay plugin  
and Java (mozilla/firebird)
some time and the willingness to wake up to Canadian News (CBC)