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I think people don't give M$ a fair enough go...

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Master of Reality:

quote:Originally posted by Garden GNOME:

Is this a typo, or are you referring to something really expensive like Win 2000 advanced server?  The OEM version of Windows XP costs less than $90.
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i have never seen windows cost that little!
(although i have never actually looked at the price of windows, i have never actually looked at the prices of any OS, except linux and its free!)


quote: i have never seen windows cost that little!
(although i have never actually looked at the price of windows, i have never actually looked at the prices of any OS, except linux and its free!)  
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I should know; I bought the full version of Windows XP from googlegear.com for 88 bucks.  The OEM version of Windows costs less than half of what the retail costs, but you don't get a box or a manual and no tech support.  And, you have to purchase it with a hardware item.


quote:Originally posted by Garden GNOME:

I should know; I bought the full version of Windows XP from googlegear.com for 88 bucks.  The OEM version of Windows costs less than half of what the retail costs, but you don't get a box or a manual and no tech support.  And, you have to purchase it with a hardware item.
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[ May 01, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


quote: Or just download XP Professional Corporate Edition for free and be rid of the activation BS. ;P
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That isn't an option if you have a 24k connection like I do    

Although I did download the entire Mandrake Linux distribution.. took me about 2 months   ;)

Master of Reality:

quote:Originally posted by Garden GNOME:

That isn't an option if you have a 24k connection like I do      

Although I did download the entire Mandrake Linux distribution.. took me about 2 months    ;)  
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i timed how long it took me to dl red hat using windows, 1MB/5 seconds

i think using wget in red hat (dling KDE) i got 900kb/s max (well actually 6.9 Mb/s but that was a file pulled straight off my proxy)


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