Miscellaneous > Applications
Ximian Evolution
Hi All,
I finally got around to playing with Ximian Evolution on my new Red Hat 8 box last night. I've never used it or any program remotely like it. ot even Outlook or whatever. Anyway, I got everything pretrty well configured. It will retrieve and send e-mail, I got the news headlines stuff set, messed with the calendar and all that.
My question is on the "weather" stuff. I can get it to report whatever cities I want but when I click on "My Weather" it dumps me to some British URL on weather. I can get to US weather from there, but it would be a whole lot better for me if it were to default to weather.com or some other US weather site.
I did look through the help files, but didn't see this addressed.
Is this just "the way it is," or is there a way to change the default.
Thanks in advance,
Well, I upgraded to Evolution 1.2 from 1.0.8 (the one that comes with red hat 8) so these steps may be slightly different on your version. Click on summary, then click "tools" then "settings." Under summary preferences, click the "weather" tab and you can customize it from there.
I have a couple of questions concerning your upgrade of Evolution :
- do you use gnome as a desktop
- did you use their Red Carpet service to upgrade
- if not, which packages did you download
I just took a look at their ftp sites and there are a bunch of files available for download.
I can hardly believe that I would have to upgrade like 15 rpm packages just to update a mail-client ....
Anyway, thanks in advance.
You should probably upgrade all of them. Evolution, like many Linux apps, is very modular. One application is created by using several smaller applications/utilities/libraries. It likely uses newer features contained in the associated newer utilities (bonobo etc) and will require the upgrade of them as well. The associated RPMs usually are small so it's never been a big deal for me.
After upgrading Evolution (from the stock one included with RH8) I did have a problem that I had to work around. The problem didn't crop up right away and only seemed to be a problem when one of my kids used Evolution under their logon account. The error message said something about a problem with the "Configuration Database". If you or anyone else runs into this problem I can give you instructions on how to solve it.
I need to download 1.2, maybe ill do that tonight.
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