Miscellaneous > Applications
Open Source Audio Editing
I'm not sure how many people are aware of this app, but Audacity is an open source sound editor for OS X, Linux, and Windows, very similar to CoolEdit (I guess it's called Audition now).
I know when I was a Linux user I couldn't find a decent sound editor, and even after switching to OS X (a pretty rich multimedia OS) I couldn't find anything similar to Goldwave or CoolEdit (Sound Studio came pretty close, but it lacked the ability to export directly to MP3, along with some other annoyances).
Anyway, thought I'd share this app since I'm pretty impressed by it, and didn't even know it existed until a week ago.
[ August 01, 2004: Message edited by: bedouin ]
Good for you.
I actually suggested that the cast of one of the projects I was working on to use this App to do voice recording.
Mainly because I was too cheap to Buy Goldwave or Soundforge, and too lazy to pirate/steal them.
Now all I need is a non-sucky OSS Non-linear editing app, and a decent Photo App, with support for the CMYK color-space, and then I can fully switch to linux.
[ August 01, 2004: Message edited by: Sauron: gone ]
quote: a decent Photo App, with support for the CMYK color-space
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I keep hearing about CMYK and how GIMP doesn't support it. What is CMYK exactly, and why is it important?
quote:Originally posted by WMD:
I keep hearing about CMYK and how GIMP doesn't support it. What is CMYK exactly, and why is it important?
--- End quote ---
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
the four colors that are used as the base for printing.
it is important the the originals be in CMYK, so that the printer can make sure the cmyk values match, meaning that the color is correct for the final print. Not possible to do in RGB, and many print shops REQUIRE CMYK originals
Ah....I wonder if the GIMP devs have this in TODO. Sure sounds important.
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