Author Topic: IE question  (Read 2450 times)


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IE question
« on: 7 November 2002, 14:17 »
When I enter things in the little boxes on web pages, all manner of things appear underneath as I type... old email correspondents' names, credit card numbers, words that I have searched for, and many other unwanted and potentially embarrassing things.

Of course, deleting history has no effect.

I know they're just trying to be helpful .. but ..

How do I make this STOP HAPPENING?


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IE question
« Reply #1 on: 7 November 2002, 14:25 »
Well dont use IE because it sucks If i wanted to i could get your computer to execute any abitary code i wanted because you use that browser because of bugs Microsoft still have not fixed.

In my opinion you should use Mozilla instead which does not have unfixed security holes unlike IE.

Please note: If you think what i said isnt going to help you at all (IE: You think Mozilla is shit) just remember that this site is FuckMicrosoft.COM we are not going to help you use IE because this is the Microsoft Eradication Socity. Please also try completly eliminating Microsoft from your system like I have. And use Linux instead of Windows (if your on PC) and if you have a MAC use linux on it as well ;). (Screw OS-X)


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« Reply #2 on: 7 November 2002, 14:29 »
Fair comment, perhaps I should have stated that for reasons I won't go into I have no choice in which browser I use.

I did notice a number of "help" type posts dealing with IE "features" in this forum.


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IE question
« Reply #3 on: 7 November 2002, 16:00 »
i am forced to use windows 2000 at work and i do not have administrator rights to install anything or change any settings. Right now i am at work, but i am not using IE. If you could read the server logs for this site, i would be showing up as netscape 6.2 on linux.

So long as you have access to any folder on the hard drive (typically the My Documents folder for instance) then you can do the following to be totally IE free (well, you can do everything but uninstall it):

1) download phoenix. here's the current windows version, however it might be worth checking at to see if there's a later version than 0.4 since i wrote this reply.

2) unzip it into the folder (My Documents?) that you have the right to use.

3) notice there's a new folder called 'phoenix', now go into that folder and run 'phoenix.exe' by doubleclicking it.

4) now go to Tools > Preferences and set the cookies to expire after the current session. Also, while you're in there, turn off all the autofilling in of forms off as well. You would do well to open IE and go to Tools > Internet Options > Connections > LAN Settings > Advanced and copy any proxy information you find in there into phoenix's Tools > Preferences > Connection section.

5) Lastly, for a cruisy browsing experience do the following. Go to Tools > Preferences > Themes and Extensions > Extensions > Get New Extensions and download and install all (currently three) the extensions for phoenix.

Of course your stuff that IE has saved is still on the hard drive, and you won't get rid of it unless you can get administrator access. This program is very good at cleaning up the gumph that IE keeps hanging about, but it needs to be installed, and so if you don't have admin access forget it.

Your other choice is to make a DOS startup disk, i think you need to make this from win9x but i could be wrong, then stick it in your floppy drive before you boot up, and make your changes using DOS. fairly complete instructions for this process can be found here. You can download this as a PDF right here.

And lastly STOP USING IE!!!
If you continue to use it, it will only store up more shit, so don't use it. that's my advice.

[edit]By the way, This can now be found as a topic in the FAQ in case anybody else asks. By the way people, browse the FAQ. It's an easy out for anybody who can't be arsed answering an already answered question. That's what it's there for, please use it!

[ November 07, 2002: Message edited by: Calum & his insidious little spies ]

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IE question
« Reply #4 on: 7 November 2002, 18:55 »
Tools -> Internet Options -> Content -> AutoComplete


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« Reply #5 on: 7 November 2002, 21:25 »
thanks, in light of what i just said that was... USELESS!

why don't you go and post on or something? you could make about as much sense as zombie90210 does on that forum (which is about as much sense as you make on this one).  :D
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IE question
« Reply #6 on: 7 November 2002, 21:35 »
Originally posted by Hubert:
When I enter things in the little boxes on web pages, all manner of things appear underneath as I type... old email correspondents' names, credit card numbers, words that I have searched for, and many other unwanted and potentially embarrassing things.

Of course, deleting history has no effect.

I know they're just trying to be helpful .. but ..

How do I make this STOP HAPPENING?

In IE go to Tools---->Internet Options--->Content---->Auto Complete----->Clear Forms

That should delete any embarassing search history that is stored right now. You can also disable saving Forms completely(by unchecking Forms in the Auto Complete For section) in the Auto Complete options so you don't have to be bothered with clearing it again. ;P

(EDIT)I see that RRS already posted the solution..well he forgot to mention that you need to clear the forms. It isn't very often I actually see somebody at this forum help out so I didn't bother with reading the replies. I just gave you your answer instinctivley.      ;)    

IF you ever need help with your stuff you should go post at Neowin or the Planet Hardware Forums. People there will actually help you instead of tell you to use something different.

These people don't know how to help, which is why you hardly ever see them help.

[ November 07, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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IE question
« Reply #7 on: 7 November 2002, 21:52 »
Originally posted by Zombie9920:

(EDIT)I see that RRS already posted the solution..well he forgot to mention that you need to clear the forms. It isn't very often I actually see somebody at this forum help out so I didn't bother with reading the replies. I just gave you your answer instinctivley.       ;)  
you are nothing but a self important dipshit. while i hope you are never banned, i wish you would fuck off on your own. Your posts are about as useful as your attempts at pressing keys in an interesting sequence on the ihateapple site.  

IF you ever need help with your stuff you should go post at Neowin or the Planet Hardware Forums. People there will actually help you instead of tell you to use something different.
telling him to use something else is helping him, moron. If a bucket had holes in it, telling somebody to use another bucket to carry their water in would be helping. what makes this situation any different?

These people don't know how to help, which is why you hardly ever see them help.

you always see help here. go to to see dozens of answers to popular questions that people who post regularly on this forum have put together in their spare time as a community service. Has zombie90210 contributed a single sentence? no. he is too busy saying how great he is and wasting your time with bullshit.
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IE question
« Reply #8 on: 7 November 2002, 21:56 »
These people don't know how to help, which is why you hardly ever see them help.

Actually I kinda not agree with you on this!
I find the people at these forums very helpful, granted not all of them are equally helpful, but still ....   ;)  
Every single time I had a Linux problem and asked here about it somebody helped me out or at least tried to.

The fact is, why come to an anti-MS forum to get Windows help?
If any of those Windoids bothered to look at a few posts before asking for help they would know that this isn't the right place for that.
There's and tons of other sites around where you can go and ask for Windows help.

Another fact is, lots of the questions asked about Windows are really easy to answer, and if any of these people even bothered to stfw they surely would find a solution to their problem.

Asking immediately without even doing some kind of effort on your own is the easy solution and I can certainly understand the reluctance of some members to give Windows help, and this for all reasons mentioned above.


[ November 07, 2002: Message edited by: Ice9 ]

He was sitting on a rock. He was barefoot. His feet were frosty with ice-nine .....


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IE question
« Reply #9 on: 7 November 2002, 22:02 »
Originally posted by Hubert:
How do I make this STOP HAPPENING?

Get rid of Windows and install Linux (for Zombie).
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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IE question
« Reply #10 on: 7 November 2002, 22:03 »
Originally posted by Calum & his insidious little spies:

you always see help here. go to to see dozens of answers to popular questions that people who post regularly on this forum have put together in their spare time as a community service. Has zombie90210 contributed a single sentence? no. he is too busy saying how great he is and wasting your time with bullshit.

I never said that I am great. It is the truth that hardley anybody here will actually help people out(unless the person needing help is using what *YOU WANT* them to use). Over at places like Neowin people can actually get help for about anything they want because Neowin has a HUGE mixed community. Over here people will only get help for non-MS stuff(stuff that 90%+ of the world uses). Me giving him the correct help for his problem is not wasting his time with BS. Telling him to get another browser is wasting his time with BS.

Maybe he wants IE or needs IE. Maybe he doesnt want to run into all of the rendering problems, site incompatabilites, the bugginess, etc.  of other browsers.

BTW, the only time you see me post BS at IHA is when I post in MacInTrash(the forum dedicated to BS). I don't post at IHA very often anyways so you my friend are an idiot.


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IE question
« Reply #11 on: 7 November 2002, 22:07 »
Originally posted by Zombie9920:

I never said that I am great. It is the truth that hardley anybody here will actually help people out(unless the person needing help is using what *YOU WANT* them to use). Over at places like Neowin people can actually get help for about anything they want because Neowin has a HUGE mixed community. Over here people will only get help for non-MS stuff(stuff that 90%+ of the world uses).

I'll make you a deal. If you go hang out at that web site from now on and stay outta here, we'll be more than happy to forward these poor souls to you so you can help them with their problems. And we won't give them any shit.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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IE question
« Reply #12 on: 7 November 2002, 22:08 »
Originally posted by Ice9:

Actually I kinda not agree with you on this!
I find the people at these forums very helpful, granted not all of them are equally helpful, but still ....    ;)    
Every single time I had a Linux problem and asked here about it somebody helped me out or at least tried to.

The fact is, why come to an anti-MS forum to get Windows help?
If any of those Windoids bothered to look at a few posts before asking for help they would know that this isn't the right place for that.
There's and tons of other sites around where you can go and ask for Windows help.

Another fact is, lots of the questions asked about Windows are really easy to answer, and if any of these people even bothered to stfw they surely would find a solution to their problem.

Asking immediately without even doing some kind of effort on your own is the easy solution and I can certainly understand the reluctance of some members to give Windows help, and this for all reasons mentioned above.


[ November 07, 2002: Message edited by: Ice9 ]

ACtually, I agree that people shouldn't be asking for MS software help at an Anti-MS site. However, since you people claim that other stuff is so much better but lack the knowledge of how to properly do stuff with MS software makes it look like the only reason you use other software is because you don't know how to properly operate the MS software. If you don't know the software that you hate how can you possibly make an educated claim that the other stuff is better? You have to know both pieces of software inside and out before you can fairly compare them.


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IE question
« Reply #13 on: 7 November 2002, 22:10 »
Originally posted by void main:

I'll make you a deal. If you go hang out at that web site from now on and stay outta here, we'll be more than happy to forward these poor souls to you so you can help them with their problems. And we won't give them any shit.

No way man. This place is great for entertainment. You will never get rid of me until I get tired of the entertainment this place provides. ;P

[ November 07, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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IE question
« Reply #14 on: 7 November 2002, 22:11 »
That's why I always qualify my non-help with "I know the answer to your question but it would not be approapriate to give you that answer on an anti-MS forum, try".
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...