Miscellaneous > Applications

Anyone know any good calculator programs?

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Does anyone know any good calculator programs for Windows? I need a good calculator program that can do more than just the basic operationgs that calc.exe does. I need it to convert metric/american units in length, weight, and so on. I need it to be able to support variables (for example so I can say x=5 and then just be able to type in 5x+2). I also need it to be able to do logorithms, differnet type of roots and exponents, preferably base conversions, and support known constants like e and pi. Having it do graphs and solve equations would be nice too.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Most operating systems come with a scientific calculator.  YOu have to be joking me to tell me that XP doesn't have what you need for that purpose.

In Windows XP the standard calculator can be turned into a scientific calculator.

Click View----->Scientific

Yes, windows does come with a calculator. But its a basic one. The most advanced it can do is some basic trig, logs, and factorials. It cant do anything else. The calculator I've used for the past few years is called Kalkulator, and it's "the mother of all calculators". It can do anything! But I'm just wondering if anyone knows of any other ones because this one does have its limitations and I'm stuck with an old unregistered version too.

wouldn't it have a windows version? if not, maybe you could make one... might compile in cygwin, might have to modify it a little.


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