Miscellaneous > Applications
IIS suxx!
IIS sucks. That's an understatement.
The only reaons people use it are:
1) It's included with some servers
2) they fell for it.
IIS gets hacked much more often that Apache. And it is suceptable to quite a few virii. But if you're going to use Apache, at least use it on Linux(or a BSD, or MacOSX).
Redhat is easyier than slackware id just go with redhat here are some simple steps:
Install Red-Hat with apache and then your website root DIR will be /var/www/html
DO IT (Or do you want to get Refalm to or somthing for now ?)
i got Apache handling my website on my XP box here. IIS sucks, according to a lot of tech guys....those errors i find in logs about not being able to find something like winnt/system32/cmd.exe #$*&@(#&$(*& would have ended in a virus if i had IIS lol
my Mandrake computer came with Apache but i have NO IDEA where it is, i'm just going to DL apache from apache.org and put it where i want it to go lol
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