Miscellaneous > Applications

Arrgh, i hate microsoft works

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quote:Originally posted by Gooseberry Clock:

Perhaps you should try installing Microsoft Word.
--- End quote ---

Better yet, install Apple Works for windows. It reads anything Word can create and it

Gooseberry Clock:

quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:
Better yet, install OpenOffice. Then you don't get yourself caught up in Microsoft's costly yearly upgrade plan.
--- End quote ---

What costly upgrade plan? Just install Office 97 and stick with it.

Yeah right. And then what do you do when your so called buddy sends you all those crappy documents in Office XP format?

anybody notice that gooseberry clock is from the "United Kingdom"?

Anybody knows that a person claiming to be from the "United Kingdom" must be English, since the Welsh, Scottish and Irish all know that our so called kingdom is anything but united.

Next he'll be saying he comes from "Great Britain"!

Maybe he'd be running to his local IT store to 'simply' buy winblows xp and office xp ....

I remember to have read a post somewhere where mr. Clock had his town of origin posted instead of UK.

Maybe his next 'from' will be europe ... or Milky Way    

[ March 18, 2002: Message edited by: -=f00bar=- ]

[ March 18, 2002: Message edited by: -=f00bar=- ]


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