Miscellaneous > Applications
Kill MOBSYNC! Help!
Richard Fox:
Please help me terminate mobsync.exe on XP!! I have already been in the accessories->ynchronization page, disabled all the offline pages, unchecked synchronization in IE, added a rule to the software policy to disallow mobsync.exe (with path)... all to no avail. It is like an evil demon that keeps coming back!
How do you terminate this sucker?
Oh, the power of Google.
mobsync.exe Microsoft Mobile Synchronization Manager. One annoying programme you will find running in W2K/XP is mobsync.exe. This is because it is set by default to synchronise your home page at log-on. To stop this, run the programme "Synchronise" from your "Start/Programmes/Accessories Menu. Select setup, and uncheck the synchronisation options, then deselect the option to synchronise your home page. From explorer select Tools/Folder Options/Offline Files: deselect the "Enable Offline Files" option. When you reboot you will find the programme is no longer running by default. You can also remove optional components from your Windows 2000 installation that are not shown in the Add/Remove Programmes applet.
Richard Fox:
Please see my original post. I read the same text you just posted, and tried it, and it doesn't work. Mobsync runs anyway. :mad:
Doctor V:
Hey AikiRich. Whats the point of terminating one processon XP when it will likely soon be replaced with another unwanted process anyways. XP is like that. You don't own it, and can't really control it. You may as well just let it run, or get rid of XP for a superior OS.
quote:AikiRich: Please help me terminate mobsync.exe on XP!! I have already been in the accessories->ynchronization page, disabled all the offline pages, unchecked synchronization in IE, added a rule to the software policy to disallow mobsync.exe (with path)... all to no avail. It is like an evil demon that keeps coming back!
How do you terminate this sucker?
--- End quote ---
Shut up. Why do you come to a website called "Microsuck" to close a stupid Windoze Xpee service? If you don't know how to handle Windows, why don't you just throw it away and get a Mac which is much easier to use? Really, even a moron like you can use it and it doesn't come with all the bloated services that Microsoft has.
Don't want a Mac? Well, try Linux or BeOS Max, and if you don't want to do that, then you should just fuck off and block this website in your hosts file (C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc). There, I even gave you a way to block advertisement without downloading crappy shareware from Download.com. You should thank me.
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