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Microsoft at Linuxworld!
Microsoft sets up a stand at Linux World
Hahaha, I never thought they'd try something so silly. They better keep a close eye on their personal refreshments at the Microsoft booth, or they may find them tasting "off". :D
They did it last year too. I don't believe they should be allowed if they don't have any Linux products to showcase. But that's just me. I saw someone mention that they should charge enough rent on the Microsoft booth to pay for the entire LinuxWorld.
i disagree. being an advocate of choice, i believe that people should be allowed to choose to hang themselves with the windowz os if they really want to. however; linux users should do thier part in ensuring that the information they put out is accurate -- for example, showing a fully quantified document about how linux is cheaper than windows, and challenging the M$ reps to come up with actual numbers to support thier contrary claim. every notice that the studies funded by ms that show that windows is ceaper never give details about prices?
No big news there. They did it again last year, like void wrote. As for being or not being allowed there, I really can't say. All I can say is that I always enjoy it when M$ recognize Linux's popularity and potential.
The thing is, it is LinuxWorld, not Comdex. The only thing Microsoft has ever done when it comes to Linux is try to kill it. And that's exactly why they attend, an attempt to try and pull people away from Linux.
[ January 21, 2003: Message edited by: void main ]
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