Miscellaneous > Applications

Uninstalling M$ shit

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quote:Originally posted by Enmity:
It's not that I don't have another OS....*cough* Mandrake linux
But there are things that Wine and WineX can't run that I want to use...
--- End quote ---

Come on ther's bound to be an alternative, that's an old argument that was alsways used against the Mac.... "but there's no software", yeah right.

Find it in your heart to *really* look for an alternative, the ditch M$ altogether...... Think how much hassle you'll save yourself.

[ September 04, 2003: Message edited by: Zardoz ]

get XPlitebeta
info http://www.98lite.net/
with this you can already uninstall a lot
of Microshit in Widows2000 or XP

PS  can i sent it to the board as an attachment ?


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