Author Topic: How does IE?  (Read 1258 times)

Master of Reality

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How does IE?
« on: 1 February 2002, 10:29 »
How does internet explorer "phone home"?
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How does IE?
« Reply #1 on: 1 February 2002, 13:54 »
It waits till you are out or sleeping, or maybe in the bath, then it gets out its evil little address book, given it by Bill Gates just before it trundled off into the world, and looks up "home"
After sneaking over to the 'phone and taking a furtive look over its shoulder, it picks up the receiver and punches in the code for Redmond, followed by the number in the book. The 'phone on the other end rings, and is answered.
"Hello, Mr Gates," our little copy of Internet Explorer pipes, "just ringing up to tell you that our friend Mr ********* has been looking at nudey pictures all night, oh and he's got a dodgy copy of Office XP that he got when he was on holiday in Thailand." (name ommited to protect the clueless)
"Excellent! Keep up the good work, Bwah hah hah hah hah!" comes the sinister voice down the line.
Then, quickly before anyone has a chance to notice, Internet Explorer puts down the 'phone and sneaks back to wherever it was installed.
So now you know...    ;)

[ February 01, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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