Miscellaneous > Applications
M$ should be sued for this
Doctor V:
Disclaimer: the only reason I'm at the site I am talking about below is job related.
The site is:
I opened it with Mozilla, it was ugly, and everything was out of line. Couldn't see the first letter of each sentance on the left side of the screen.
Then, I made Mozilla spoof itself as IE, guess what happened? Everything fixed itself. The feds oughta throw Bill Gate in jail for this.
V 0.8.7
[ October 31, 2002: Message edited by: Doctor V 0.8.7 ]
Looks fine in 1.0.1
Doctor V:
Yeah, I'm using 1.2b. And the site also looks good in Opera. But I don't care, BillG should go to jail anyways.
V 0.8.7
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